M. Bergqvist


L. Holmberg, K. Edlund, A. Andersson, 2011, Journal of thoracic oncology : official publication of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer.

D. Brattström, M. Bergqvist, J. Lennartsson, 2008, Expert review of anticancer therapy.

M. Bergqvist, J. Nilsson, G. Holgersson, 2018, Medical Oncology.

M. Bergqvist, J. Nilsson, G. Ullenhag, 2021, BMC Palliative Care.

A. Larsson, R. Henriksson, P. Johansson, 2007, Anticancer research.

M. Bergqvist, J. Lennartsson, S. Ekman, 2013, International journal of oncology.

M. Bergqvist, B. Lennernäs, J. Ahlgren, 2018, AntiCancer Research.

M. Bergqvist, S. Ekman, D. Molin, 2010, Cancer genomics & proteomics.

D. Brattström, M. Bergqvist, G. Wagenius, 2005, Diseases of the esophagus : official journal of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus.

D. Brattström, M. Bergqvist, S. Ekman, 2015, Anticancer research.

A. Larsson, D. Brattström, M. Bergqvist, 2007, Anticancer research.

M. Bergqvist, J. Nilsson, G. Holgersson, 2017, Asia-Pacific journal of clinical oncology.

L. Holmberg, M. Holmqvist, D. Brattström, 2009, Head & neck.

R. Henriksson, M. Bergqvist, J. Nilsson, 2017, Oncology letters.

Mats Lambe, Anders Isaksson, Fredrik Nyberg, 2012, International journal of cancer.

F. Pontén, M. Uhlén, S. Strömberg, 2010, Melanoma research.

F. Pontén, M. Uhlén, S. Strömberg, 2008, Cancer genomics & proteomics.

F. Pontén, I. Alafuzoff, M. Bergqvist, 2013, Histopathology.

E. Dejana, M. Bergqvist, M. Essand, 2018, The Journal of clinical investigation.

M. Bergqvist, R. Tell, J. Lennartsson, 2010, Expert opinion on therapeutic targets.

R. Millikan, F. Pontén, C. Kampf, 2010, Pigment cell & melanoma research.

K. Edlund, F. Hirsch, H. Popper, 2017, Genes & development.

D. Brattström, M. Bergqvist, G. Wagenius, 1998, Lung cancer.

C. Heldin, M. Bergqvist, J. Lennartsson, 2007, The oncologist.

K. Dahlman-Wright, D. Brattström, M. Bergqvist, 2006, Diseases of the esophagus : official journal of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus.

R. Henriksson, M. Bergqvist, T. Asklund, 2015, Acta oncologica.

D. Brattström, M. Bergqvist, G. Wagenius, 2006, Diseases of the esophagus : official journal of the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus.

M. Bergqvist, J. Nilsson, G. Holgersson, 2016, Anticancer research.

E. Lundberg, F. Pontén, M. Uhlén, 2009, Journal of Proteome Research.

F. Pontén, S. Navani, M. Bergqvist, 2015, Acta oncologica.

R. Henriksson, M. Bergqvist, S. Friesland, 2013, Medical Oncology.

S. Eksborg, M. Bergqvist, S. Ekman, 2011, Journal of chromatography. B, Analytical technologies in the biomedical and life sciences.

M. Bergqvist, J. Nilsson, G. Holgersson, 2023, BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies.

L. Holmberg, M. Holmqvist, M. Bergqvist, 2014, Head & neck.

D. Brattström, M. Bergqvist, G. Wagenius, 2003, Anticancer research.

M. Bergqvist, J. Ahlgren, J. Reizenstein, 2021, AntiCancer Research.

M. Bergqvist, R. Tell, J. Lennartsson, 2010, Expert opinion on therapeutic targets.