J. Hardy


J. Wells, J. Hardy, Joni W. Lam, 2004, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

J. Wells, J. Hardy, James A Wells, 2004, Current opinion in structural biology.

J. Hardy, S. Thayumanavan, Feng Wang, 2015, Biomacromolecules.

J. Hardy, M. Fahie, Min Chen, 2019, Biophysical journal.

J. Hardy, W. Witkowski, 2011, Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society.

J. Hardy, S. Thayumanavan, F. Anson, 2020, Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society.

J. Hardy, S. Eron, Derek MacPherson, 2018, ACS chemical biology.

J. Hardy, D. Alfandari, Banyuhay P. Serrano, 2017, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

J. Hardy, Banyuhay P. Serrano, 2018, Cell Death & Differentiation.

Caitlyn L. Mills, M. Ondrechen, J. Hardy, 2018, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

J. Hardy, K. Huber, Kevin D. Olson, 2009, 2009 IEEE 35th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference.

J. Hardy, Peng Wu, S. Nicholls, 2013, Biophysical journal.

A. Bergmann, E. Flores, J. Hardy, 2015, Cell Death and Differentiation.

G. López, J. Hardy, S. Auerbach, 2012, The journal of physical chemistry. A.

R. Vachet, J. Hardy, N. Gianneschi, 2018, Biomacromolecules.

J. Hardy, 2018, Cell chemical biology.

J. Hardy, S. Thayumanavan, F. Anson, 2021, Biomacromolecules.

W. Sherman, J. Hardy, J. Bell, 2013, ACS chemical biology.

Jennifer A. Getz, J. Hardy, P. Daugherty, 2012, Biological chemistry.

J. Hardy, Elih M. Velázquez-Delgado, 2012, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

J. Hardy, Maureen E. Hill, K. Dagbay, 2017, Biochemistry.

J. Hardy, Nicolas Bolik-Coulon, S. Savinov, 2017, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

J. Hardy, Elih M. Velázquez-Delgado, 2012, Structure.

J. Hardy, Genevieve Abbruzzese, Elih M. Velázquez-Delgado, 2011, Journal of molecular biology.

V. Rotello, J. Hardy, Yi‐Cheun Yeh, 2015, Bioconjugate chemistry.

J. Hardy, K. Tremblay, Genevieve Abbruzzese, 2011, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

J. Hardy, J. Wells, 2009, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

H. Nelson, S. Walsh, J. Hardy, 2000, Journal of molecular biology.

J. Hardy, S. Nicholls, 2013, Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society.

J. Hardy, Banyuhay P. Serrano, K. Huber, 2018, The Biochemical journal.

Trisha L. Andrew, J. Hardy, S. Thayumanavan, 2022, Analytical chemistry.

J. Hardy, K. Huber, Kristen L. Huber, 2012, Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society.

J. Hardy, K. Dagbay, 2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

J. Hardy, Banyuhay P. Serrano, 2018, Cell Death & Differentiation.

Ileana Streinu, Filip Jagodzinski, Jeanne Hardy, 2011, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Workshops (BIBMW).

J. Hardy, W. Witkowski, 2009, Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society.

J. Hardy, S. Eron, Derek MacPherson, 2018, ACS chemical biology.

J. Hardy, Banyuhay P. Serrano, Kristen L. Huber, 2018, The Biochemical journal.