X. Hong


Yue Xue, N. T. Ramaswamy, X. Hong, 2003, Molecular carcinogenesis.

X. Hong, K. Latham, L. Christenson, 2019, Biology of Reproduction.

X. Hong, J. Vanselow, L. Christenson, 2013, Molecular endocrinology.

X. Hong, L. Christenson, V. Chakravarthi, 2022, International journal of molecular sciences.

X. Hong, C. Ko, L. Christenson, 2014, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Xiaoman Hong, X. Hong, L. Christenson, 2008, Biology of reproduction.

Jonathan A Green, X. Hong, W. Hung, 2017, Molecular reproduction and development.

In-Hee Lee, A. Rastogi, A. Bansal, 2014, Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology.

X. Hong, K. Latham, L. Christenson, 2018, bioRxiv.

X. Hong, L. Christenson, L. McGinnis, 2011, Molecular reproduction and development.

C. D. Fowler, H. Wakimoto, T. Jovanović-Talisman, 2023, bioRxiv.

X. Hong, C. Ko, L. Christenson, 2014, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.