L. Anderson


L. Anderson, A. Schmidt, 2007, Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

V. Beral, W. Willett, K. Straif, 2010, IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans.

H. Chakrapani, L. Anderson, J. Saavedra, 2011, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.

L. Anderson, S. Kyrtopoulos, V. Souliotis, 1995, Alcohol.

M. Spitz, G. C. Yeh, C. Van Waes, 2005, Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention.

L. Anderson, A. Maciag, A. Maciąg, 2004, Experimental lung research.

L. Anderson, G. Sithanandam, A. Maciag, 2004, Carcinogenesis.

L. Anderson, B. Diwan, R. Y. Cheng, 2000, Experimental lung research.

L. Anderson, G. Buzard, D. Ramljak, 1997 .

L. Anderson, 2008, Current problems in pediatric and adolescent health care.

L. Anderson, K. Last-Barney, A. Giner-Sorolla, 1980, Food and cosmetics toxicology.

H. Issaq, L. Anderson, C. Riggs, 1992, Toxicology and applied pharmacology.

L. Anderson, M. Miller, D. Chauhan, 1989, IARC scientific publications.

L. Anderson, M. Miller, S. S. Park, 1991, Biochemical and biophysical research communications.

L. Anderson, S. Yuspa, B. Diwan, 1999, Toxicology and applied pharmacology.

L. Anderson, W. Telfer, 1970, Journal of embryology and experimental morphology.

L. Anderson, S. Hecht, P. Nerurkar, 2000, Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals.

L. Anderson, W. Telfer, Lucy M. Anderson, 1969, Tissue & cell.

L. Anderson, M. Anver, B. Diwan, 2008, Environmental health perspectives.

L. Anderson, G. Sithanandam, L M Anderson, 2008, Cancer Gene Therapy.

L. Anderson, 1971, Journal of cell science.

H. Issaq, L. Anderson, R. Kovatch, 1991, Experimental lung research.

L. Anderson, R. Good, C. Hsia, 1981, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

H. Issaq, L. Anderson, C. Riggs, 1994, Carcinogenesis.

L. Anderson, B. Diwan, J. Rice, 1998, Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Takashi Takahashi, L. Anderson, G. Sithanandam, 2002, Cell growth & differentiation : the molecular biology journal of the American Association for Cancer Research.

Octavio A. Quiñones, R. Leighty, L. Anderson, 2012, Environmental and molecular mutagenesis.

L. Anderson, R. Y. Cheng, Y. Shiao, 2004, Molecular carcinogenesis.

L. Anderson, G. Sithanandam, L. Fornwald, 2005, American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology.

L. Anderson, K. D. Kikawa, K. Kasprzak, 2007, Free radical biology & medicine.

J. Ward, C. Wild, L. Anderson, 2007 .

K. Nagashima, J. Resau, L. Anderson, 2000, Cancer research.

L. Anderson, G. Sithanandam, N. Morris, 2012, International journal of cancer.

W. Alvord, L. Anderson, R. Y. Cheng, 2002, Environmental health perspectives.

L. Anderson, B. Diwan, M. Sipowicz, 1999 .

L. Anderson, F. Ungar, M. R. Turnipseed, 1973, Endocrinology.

L. Anderson, W. Telfer, S. J. Hausman, 1971, The Journal of cell biology.

L. Anderson, B. Diwan, C. Perella, 2000, Molecular carcinogenesis.

W. Alvord, L. Anderson, Lisa A. Riffle, 2006, Nutrition.

C. J. Chen, Chien-Jen Chen, R. Hoover, 1997, Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Akira Masuda, W. Alvord, Takashi Takahashi, 2003, Toxicology and applied pharmacology.

L. Anderson, 2005, Critical reviews in toxicology.

L. Anderson, J. Rice, R. Kovatch, 1989, Journal of toxicology and environmental health.

L. Anderson, P. Magee, J. Carter, 1994, Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals.

L. Anderson, Anderson Lm, A. Giner-Sorolla, 1978, Research communications in chemical pathology and pharmacology.

L. Anderson, K. Last-Barney, A. Giner-Sorolla, 1979, Cancer letters.

L. Anderson, C. Perella, S. Chhabra, 1996, Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association.

L. Anderson, J. Rice, S. Rehm, 1988, Cancer letters.

L. Anderson, J. Rice, S. Rehm, 1989, Fundamental and applied toxicology : official journal of the Society of Toxicology.

K. Hemminki, L. Anderson, L. Egevad, 2003, Kidney international.

L. Anderson, R. Anderson, A. Giner-Sorolla, 1980 .

L. Anderson, I. Owens, D. Chauhan, 1991, Developmental pharmacology and therapeutics.

L. Anderson, J. M. Budinger, L. M. Anderson, 1979, Journal of the National Cancer Institute.