Marcel Geertz


Marcel Geertz, Sebastian J Maerkl, S. Maerkl, 2010, Briefings in functional genomics.

Marcel Geertz, David Shore, Sebastian J Maerkl, 2012, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Marcel Geertz, Bart Deplancke, Sebastian J. Maerkl, 2012, Nucleic acids research.

Marcel Geertz, Sebastian J Maerkl, Sylvie Rockel, 2012, Methods in molecular biology.

S. Maerkl, Marcel Geertz, Sylvie Rockel, 2012, Methods in molecular biology.

Marc-Thorsten Hütt, Carsten Marr, Marcel Geertz, 2008, BMC Systems Biology.

C. Marr, Marcel Geertz, G. Muskhelishvili, 2007, 0709.3156.

Marcel Geertz, Patrick Sobetzko, Marcel Geertz, 2010, Molecular bioSystems.

Marc-Thorsten Hütt, Nikolaus Sonnenschein, Marcel Geertz, 2011, BMC Systems Biology.

Marcel Geertz, Julia Hoeng, Carole Mathis, 2014, International journal of toxicology.

Nikolaus Sonnenschein, M. Hütt, Marcel Geertz, 2011 .

Marcel Geertz, G. Muskhelishvili, Marc-Thorsten Hütt, 2008, BMC Systems Biology.