J. Tanzer


P. Bierling, J. Tanzer, C. Cordonnier, 1985, British journal of haematology.

J. P. Chantalou, M. Boiron, M. Weil, 1975, European journal of cancer.

P. Debré, G. Janossy, M. D. Mossalayi, 1988, Blood.

J. Tanzer, J. Launay, J. Maclouf, 1987, American journal of hematology.

M. Boiron, M. Weil, C. Sultan, 1969, Lancet.

M. Boiron, J. Tanzer, J. Levy, 1964, Nature.

J. Tanzer, F. Triebel, B. Rio, 1979, Leukemia research.

G. Janossy, M. D. Mossalayi, J. Tanzer, 1986, Experimental hematology.

H. Heimpel, M. Griesshammer, M. Talpaz, 1993, Annals of Hematology.

J. Tanzer, F. Guilhot, A. Brizard, 1997, Leukemia & lymphoma.

J. Huret, J. Tanzer, P. Babin, 1990, Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.

J. Tanzer, G. Grollier, F. Guilhot, 1991, Bone marrow transplantation.

M. Boiron, J. Tanzer, P. Harel, 1963 .

J. Huret, J. Tanzer, E. Benz, 1986, Human Genetics.

M. Boiron, G. Auclerc, G. Flandrin, 1973, Cancer.

M. Boiron, G. Flandrin, J. Tanzer, 1967, La Presse medicale.

D. Alcalay, J. Tanzer, P. G. Goube de Laforest, 1978, Immunology.

A. Bernheim, J. Tanzer, Y. Najean, 1977, The New England journal of medicine.

J. Huret, J. Tanzer, A. Brizard, 1991, Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.

J. Tanzer, P. Boivin, M. Bois, 2009, Scandinavian journal of haematology.

J. Huret, J. Tanzer, S. Briault, 1988, Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.

M. D. Mossalayi, J. Tanzer, F. Guilhot, 1984, International journal of cell cloning.

M. Boiron, M. Weil, J. Tanzer, 1957, La Revue du praticien.

J. Huret, J. Tanzer, F. Guilhot, 1989, Nouvelle revue francaise d'hematologie.

J. Tanzer, F. Morel, J. Gombert, 1991, Immunology.

J. Huret, J. Tanzer, F. Guilhot, 1988, Leukemia research.

M. Boiron, J. Tanzer, C. Jacquillat, 1967, Nouvelle revue francaise d'hematologie.

M. Boiron, M. Weil, J. Tanzer, 1967, Pathologie et biologie.

J. Tanzer, P. Babin, F. Guilhot, 1994, Leukemia & lymphoma.

J. Tanzer, G. Grollier, Y. de Rautlin de la Roy, 1981, La Nouvelle presse medicale.

J. Huret, J. Tanzer, H. Mossafa, 1988, Nouvelle revue francaise d'hematologie.

D. Alcalay, J. Tanzer, R. Mettey, 1989, Archives francaises de pediatrie.

T. Mahdi, D. Alcalay, J. Tanzer, 1996, Experimental Hematology.

B. Lechevalier, J. Tanzer, P. Castaigne, 1970, Revue neurologique.

M. Boiron, M. Weil, J. Tanzer, 1971, Bulletin du Cancer.

J. Huret, J. Tanzer, M. Henry-Amar, 2004, Human Genetics.

J. Tanzer, 1994, Nouvelle revue francaise d'hematologie.

J. Tanzer, M. Ferrari, M. Boulard, 1979, British journal of haematology.

M. Boiron, M. Weil, J. Tanzer, 1966, La Presse medicale.