I. Nijman


Hans Clevers, Edwin Cuppen, Daphne Lelieveld, 2018, Cell.

M. Spector, R. Hruban, C. Iacobuzio-Donahue, 2015, Cell.

Steven A. Harvey, E. Cuppen, E. de Bruijn, 2013, Nature.

Edwin Cuppen, Isaac J Nijman, Marlous Hoogstraat, 2015, The Journal of molecular diagnostics : JMD.

Hans Clevers, Edwin Cuppen, Victor Guryev, 2008, Molecular and Cellular Biology.

Edwin Cuppen, Marcel Nelen, Wilfred F J van IJcken, 2015, European Journal of Human Genetics.

D. I. Våge, S. Ennis, M. Georges, 1997, Mammalian Genome.

G. Vriend, E. Cuppen, V. Guryev, 2010, The Pharmacogenomics Journal.

G. Pals, F. Moll, I. Nijman, 2015, American journal of medical genetics. Part A.

J. Lenstra, I. Nijman, E. Verkaar, 2004, Molecular biology and evolution.

Stef van Lieshout, G. Vriend, E. Cuppen, 2012, Nature Genetics.

P. Jansen, I. Nijman, M. van Gijn, 2015, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

E. Cuppen, J. Lenstra, I. Nijman, 2008 .

J. Lenstra, I. Nijman, R. Branciari, 2000, Journal of food protection.

Clarence C Lee, T. Harkins, E. Cuppen, 2014, Genome research.

E. Cuppen, G. Carman, J. Brouwers, 2011, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Albert J. Vilella, E. Cuppen, P. Prins, 2015 .

J. Lenstra, J. Williams, D. Bradley, 2007, Animal genetics.

E. Cuppen, J. Lenstra, A. Amorim, 2009, Molecular biology and evolution.

J. Lenstra, I. Nijman, P. Ajmone-Marsan, 2002, Animal genetics.

M. Otsen, J. Lenstra, I. Nijman, 2002, Heredity.

P. Taberlet, G. Luikart, F. Pompanon, 2017, Journal of animal breeding and genetics = Zeitschrift fur Tierzuchtung und Zuchtungsbiologie.

J. Lenstra, I. Nijman, L. Mendoza, 2003, Heredity.

Flip Mulder, Robert F. Ernst, I. Nijman, 2020, Molecular genetics & genomic medicine.

Stef van Lieshout, M. Hammer, S. Dib-Hajj, 2014, Epilepsy Research.

Hans Clevers, Nobuo Sasaki, Edwin Cuppen, 2016, Nature.

Manuela Pendziwiat, R. Møller, I. Helbig, 2016, Molecular genetics & genomic medicine.

Edwin Cuppen, Albert J. Vilella, Pjotr Prins, 2015, Bioinform..

M. Maurice, I. Nijman, M. Cune, 2015, American journal of human genetics.

J. Lenstra, M. Bruford, S. Joost, 2006, The Journal of heredity.

J. Lenstra, I. Nijman, Patrick van Tessel, 2002, Journal of Molecular Evolution.

E. Cuppen, R. Hochstenbach, M. Poot, 2012, European Journal of Human Genetics.

L. Gallagher, A. Pagnamenta, R. Anney, 2020, Translational Psychiatry.

Anke M Hövels, Peter M van Hasselt, Nanda M Verhoeven-Duif, 2016, Genetics in Medicine.

E. Cuppen, M. van der Burg, B. van der Zwaag, 2014, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

I. Nijman, F. Jongejan, L. Guangyuan, 2000, International journal for parasitology.

P. Bult, P. V. van Diest, J. Martens, 2019, Endocrine-related cancer.

Deborah I. Ritter, Wigard P. Kloosterman, Stef van Lieshout, 2016, The Journal of clinical investigation.

H. Clevers, R. Houwen, L. Huber, 2014, Gastroenterology.

Edwin Cuppen, Michal Mokry, E. Cuppen, 2010, Nature Methods.

J. Williams, W. Barendse, I. Martín-Burriel, 2009, Mammalian Genome.

J. Lenstra, I. Nijman, J. Buntjer, 1998, Chromosoma.

Catherine A. Wilson, P. Deloukas, J. Postlethwait, 2011, Methods in Cell Biology.

Catherine A. Wilson, P. Deloukas, J. Postlethwait, 2011 .

I. Nagtegaal, N. Jamieson, I. Nijman, 2023, The Journal of pathology.

Pieter B. T. Neerincx, R. Handsaker, J. Hehir-Kwa, 2014, Nature Genetics.

I. Nijman, M. Verheul, Sylvia Kuipers, 2008, BMC Genomics.

E. Cuppen, E. Voest, I. Nijman, 2015, The Journal of molecular diagnostics : JMD.

Fiona G. G. Nielsen, H. Stunnenberg, E. Cuppen, 2008, Molecular and Cellular Biology.

E. Cuppen, J. Lenstra, A. Amorim, 2009, Molecular biology and evolution.