C. Zurzolo


L. Marzo, K. Gousset, C. Zurzolo, 2012, Front. Physio..

C. Zurzolo, S. Paladino, S. Lebreton, 2015, Current topics in membranes.

C. Zurzolo, L. Nitsch, G. Calì, 1992, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

C. Zurzolo, S. Paladino, Thomas Pocard, 2006, The Journal of cell biology.

Nicolas Chenouard, J. Olivo-Marin, F. Chaumont, 2009, Nature Cell Biology.

L. Marzo, C. Zurzolo, Z. Marijanovic, 2013 .

C. Zurzolo, Diégo Cordero Cervantes, 2021, The EMBO journal.

C. Zurzolo, Nina Ljubojevic, J. Henderson, 2020, Trends in cell biology.

K. Gousset, C. Zurzolo, A. Pepe, 2019, Nature Communications.

S. Mayor, C. Zurzolo, G. van Meer, 2003, EMBO reports.

C. Zurzolo, D. Sarnataro, Vincenza Campana, 2005, Trends in cell biology.

C. Zurzolo, K. Simons, 2016, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

C. Zurzolo, S. Paladino, S. Tivodar, 2008 .

C. Zurzolo, S. Paladino, D. Sarnataro, 2007, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

A. Le Bivic, T. Galli, C. Zurzolo, 2007, Journal of Cell Science.

C. Zurzolo, L. Nitsch, S. Paladino, 2004, The Journal of cell biology.

C. Zurzolo, L. Abrami, M. Fivaz, 2003, Infection and Immunity.

C. Zurzolo, S. Paladino, D. Sarnataro, 2002, International journal of medical microbiology : IJMM.

C. Zurzolo, E. Rodriguez-Boulan, 1994 .

A. Esparís-Ogando, C. Zurzolo, E. Rodriguez-Boulan, 1994, The American journal of physiology.

L. Marzo, K. Gousset, C. Zurzolo, 2013, Journal of Cell Science.

Gianni Guizzunti, C. Zurzolo, 2015, Communicative & integrative biology.

Teresa M. Ribeiro-Rodrigues, C. Zurzolo, M. Antunes, 2020, Current Research in Cell Biology.

C. Zurzolo, N. Sassoon, J. Piel, 2019, Scientific Reports.

C. Zurzolo, Elise Delage, S. Abounit, 2015, Current protocols in cell biology.

C. Zurzolo, M. Fukuda, A. Echard, 2020, Scientific Reports.

C. Zurzolo, E. Rodriguez-Boulan, 1993, Journal of Cell Science.

K. Gousset, C. Zurzolo, 2009, Prion.

K. Gousset, C. Zurzolo, C. Langevin, 2010, The Biochemical journal.

A. Danckaert, C. Zurzolo, P. Roux, 2013, Journal of Cell Science.

I. Nabi, C. Zurzolo, E. Rodriguez-Boulan, 1995, The Journal of cell biology.

C. Zurzolo, 2022, Nature reviews. Molecular cell biology.

C. Zurzolo, D. Sarnataro, A. Pepe, 2017, Progress in molecular biology and translational science.

C. Zurzolo, D. Sarnataro, A. Pepe, 2017 .

C. Zurzolo, L. Nitsch, C. Lipardi, 1999, Biochimie.

C. Zurzolo, M. Vos, S. Pietropaoli, 2022, Science advances.

Dan Liu, P. Pinton, C. Zurzolo, 2021, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

C. Zurzolo, E. Rodriguez-Boulan, A. Bivic, 1994 .

C. Zurzolo, 2021, Current opinion in cell biology.

B. Malissen, C. Zurzolo, A. Kissenpfennig, 2012, Journal of leukocyte biology.

C. Zurzolo, L. Nitsch, M. Bifulco, 1988, Journal of cellular physiology.

C. Zurzolo, Duncan T. Browman, 2013, Prion.

E. Gratton, C. Zurzolo, S. Paladino, 2014, Nature chemical biology.

C. Zurzolo, G. Ottenberg, Duncan T. Browman, 2012 .

C. Zurzolo, E. Rodriguez-Boulan, 1993, Science.

C. Zurzolo, M. Stornaiuolo, L. Nitsch, 2004, Molecular biology of the cell.

C. Zurzolo, Saïda Abounit, Chiara Zurzolo, 2012, Journal of Cell Science.

C. Zurzolo, C. Brou, Giulia Pinto, 2020, Trends in cancer.

J. Olivo-Marin, F. Chaumont, C. Zurzolo, 2016, The EMBO journal.

C. Zurzolo, Rupam Ghosh, Guiliana Soraya Victoria, 2015, Prion.

C. Zurzolo, S. Paladino, S. Lebreton, 2018, Critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology.

C. Zurzolo, C. Brou, P. Chastagner, 2020, EMBO molecular medicine.

L. Zentilin, M. Giacca, S. Prusiner, 2009, The Biochemical journal.

C. Tacchetti, A. Monticelli, C. Zurzolo, 1986, Journal of cellular physiology.

C. Zurzolo, A. Caputo, Vincenza Campana, 2009, PLoS pathogens.

Marie-France Carlier, Fabrice Chrétien, Anne Danckaert, 2013, The Journal of clinical investigation.

C. Zurzolo, Jessica Y. Vargas, Clara Grudina, 2019, Ageing Research Reviews.

A. Aguzzi, K. Kristensson, J. D. del Río, 2016, Prion.

C. Zurzolo, S. Syan, Guiliana Soraya Victoria, 2016, Scientific Reports.

C. Zurzolo, G. Schiavo, Vincenza Campana, 2008, Journal of neurochemistry.

C. Zurzolo, Vincenza Campana, Carlo Fasano, 2007, Journal of Molecular Neuroscience.

C. Zurzolo, S. Paladino, S. Lebreton, 2011, Molecular biology of the cell.

S. Gustincich, F. Tagliavini, Suzana Aulic, 2014, BMC Neuroscience.

K. Gousset, C. Zurzolo, A. Pepe, 2019, Nature Communications.

C. Zurzolo, N. Sassoon, J. Piel, 2019, Scientific Reports.

C. Zurzolo, G. van Meer, W. van't Hof, 1994, Brazilian journal of medical and biological research = Revista brasileira de pesquisas medicas e biologicas.

P. Chavrier, Walery Zukow, C. Zurzolo, 1990, Color Atlas of Clinical Hematology.

H. Edelhoch, C. Zurzolo, G. Salvatore, 1985, Journal of endocrinological investigation.

H. Edelhoch, C. Zurzolo, L. Pierce, 1986, Journal of cellular biochemistry.

Dan Liu, C. Zurzolo, S. Paladino, 2023, Molecular biology of the cell.

C. Zurzolo, Ranabir Chakraborty, Sevan Belian, 2023, Extracellular Vesicles and Circulating Nucleic Acids.

K. Gousset, C. Zurzolo, C. Langevin, 2008 .

C. Zurzolo, S. Paladino, S. Lebreton, 2011, Molecular biology of the cell.