Alexandre Milovanoff


H. MacLean, Alexandre Milovanoff, I. D. Posen, 2021, Environmental science & technology.

H. MacLean, Alexandre Milovanoff, I. D. Posen, 2020, Nature Climate Change.

H. MacLean, Alexandre Milovanoff, I. D. Posen, 2022, Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability.

Réjean Samson, Mohamed Cheriet, Caroline Gaudreault, 2018, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment.

Hyung Chul Kim, T. Wallington, H. MacLean, 2019, Environmental science & technology.

H. MacLean, Alexandre Milovanoff, M. Hatzopoulou, 2022, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment.

Alexandre Milovanoff, I. D. Posen, Amir F.N Abdul-Manan, 2024, Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability.