D. Currow


A. Abernethy, P. Davidson, D. Currow, 2018, European Respiratory Journal.

Amy P Abernethy, David C Currow, A. Abernethy, 2015, The Lancet. Oncology.

D. Roder, D. Currow, Nicola Creighton, 2015, Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association.

Miriam J. Johnson, A. Abernethy, D. Currow, 2012, Journal of palliative medicine.

P. Butow, A. Barratt, K. McGeechan, 2012, Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology.

P. Davidson, M. DiGiacomo, D. Currow, 2011, Supportive Care in Cancer.

Amy P Abernethy, David C Currow, A. Abernethy, 2007, Trials.

P. Butow, K. Hancock, M. Tattersall, 2007 .

N. A. Morgan, D. Currow, D. Rowett, 2015, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.

M. Tattersall, D. Currow, A. Girgis, 2006 .

P. Macdonald, P. Davidson, D. Currow, 2010, Australian family physician.

D. Currow, B. Fazekas, N. McCaffrey, 2016, Journal of pain and symptom management.

A. Abernethy, G. Samsa, D. Mccrory, 2011, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.

Miriam J. Johnson, S. Noble, D. Currow, 2018, European Respiratory Journal.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, R. Skipworth, 2018, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

M. Large, P. Burgess, D. Currow, 2021 .

Victoria Keena, D. Henderson, A. Musk, 2013, Journal of thoracic disease.

D. Currow, D. Baldwin, S. Ahmedzai, 2012 .

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, M. Ekström, 2020, Journal of pain and symptom management.

A. Abernethy, J. Stevenson, D. Currow, 2004, BMJ : British Medical Journal.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, C. Barbetta, 2017, Expert review of respiratory medicine.

Miriam J. Johnson, A. Abernethy, D. Currow, 2012, Journal of pain and symptom management.

D. Currow, G. Rocker, R. Horton, 2010, Current opinion in supportive and palliative care.

D. Currow, A. Greene, B. Kenny, 2008, The Medical journal of Australia.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, A. Kamal, 2011, Current oncology reports.

D. Currow, M. Lovell, K. Clark, 2012, Journal of palliative medicine.

A. Abernethy, M. Farquhar, D. Currow, 2011, BMC pulmonary medicine.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, S. Y. Zafar, 2008, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

A. Abernethy, P. Phillips, D. Currow, 2007, Australian family physician.

T. Luckett, D. Currow, N. Smallwood, 2021, Journal of hospice and palliative nursing : JHPN : the official journal of the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, D. Janssen, 2019, European journal of cardiovascular nursing : journal of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Nursing of the European Society of Cardiology.

D. Currow, J. Roydhouse, M. Bell, 2022, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.

D. Currow, G. Delaney, Deborah F. Baker, 2016, International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, 2011 .

D. Currow, Jarad Martin, Nicola Creighton, 2021, International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics.

T. Olds, M. Williams, D. Currow, 2017, Journal of pain and symptom management.

R. J. Thomas, H. Bartelink, A. Gavin, 2008, Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology.

S. Inglis, P. Macdonald, P. Davidson, 2015, Interactive journal of medical research.

A. Vigano, M. Aapro, D. Currow, 2017, Clinical colorectal cancer.

S. Inglis, P. Macdonald, P. Davidson, 2019, Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, T. Leblanc, 2013, Journal of oncology practice.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, J. Bull, 2010, The journal of supportive oncology.

Shelley A. Rushton, D. Currow, N. Rankin, 2018, Translational behavioral medicine.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, Jacqueline A Bowden, 2011, BMC public health.

D. Currow, Nicola Creighton, R. Walton, 2020, Australian and New Zealand journal of obstetrics and gynaecology.

D. Currow, D. Morgan, Pauline A Cerdor, 2015, Journal of palliative medicine.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, A. Bornefalk-Hermansson, 2014, BMJ : British Medical Journal.

D. Currow, B. Kelly, J. Marriott, 2005 .

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, H. Uronis, 2006, International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, B. Fazekas, 2019, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.

D. Currow, Sanchia Aranda, 2019, Public health research & practice.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, J. Wheeler, 2011, Seminars in oncology.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, S. Booth, 2014, Expert review of respiratory medicine.

G. Farshid, D. Roder, D. Currow, 2020, European journal of cancer care.

D. Currow, Sanchia Aranda, 2016, The Medical journal of Australia.

D. Currow, Sanchia Aranda, 2016, The Medical journal of Australia.

Miriam J. Johnson, A. Abernethy, C. Morélot-Panzini, 2016, European Respiratory Journal.

Miriam J. Johnson, T. Luckett, D. Currow, 2021, ERJ Open Research.

I. Higginson, D. Currow, 2013, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.

David P. Smith, D. Roder, M. Frydenberg, 2016, European urology focus.

D. Currow, J. Tieman, D. Morgan, 2016, BMC Palliative Care.

P. Macdonald, P. Davidson, D. Currow, 2019, Heart Failure Reviews.

D. Currow, 2009, Journal of palliative medicine.

D. Currow, F. Nadimi, 2011, The Australian journal of rural health.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, A. Kamal, 2011, Journal of palliative medicine.

A. Abernethy, P. Davidson, D. Currow, 2013, BMC Health Services Research.

D. Roder, S. McGill, D. Currow, 2020, Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association.

Katherine J. Lee, D. Currow, A. Grobler, 2021, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management.

A. Abernethy, E. Bruera, S. Kaasa, 2015, Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology.

D. Currow, C. Sanderson, 2018, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.

D. Currow, J. Phillips, 2014 .

D. Currow, I. Zhao, P. Yates, 2013, Journal of thoracic disease.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, S. Y. Zafar, 2011, British Journal of Cancer.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, 2011, Journal of oncology practice.

A. Abernethy, J. Stevenson, D. Currow, 2007 .

A. Abernethy, J. Stevenson, D. Currow, 2007, Journal of pain and symptom management.

D. Currow, P. Kleinig, 2020, Palliative Medicine in Practice.

D. Currow, M. Agar, J. Phillips, 2017, Current opinion in supportive and palliative care.

K. Eagar, D. Currow, P. Yates, 2008, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

D. Currow, P. Ravenscroft, P. Good, 2006, Australian family physician.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, 2005, Journal of pain and symptom management.

A. Abernethy, A. Crockett, J. Plummer, 2009, Journal of pain and symptom management.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, 2020, Journal of palliative medicine.

A. Abernethy, G. Samsa, D. Currow, 2016, Journal of pain and symptom management.

D. Currow, K. Clark, 2015, Journal of palliative medicine.

D. Currow, M. Vergo, M. Ekstrom, 2015, Journal of pain and symptom management.

D. Currow, Jacqueline Jones, P. Mitchell, 2012, International journal of palliative nursing.

Miriam J. Johnson, A. Abernethy, I. Higginson, 2011, Journal of palliative medicine.

D. Currow, F. Nadimi, 2008, Journal of palliative care.

A. Abernethy, J. Plummer, J. Stevenson, 2007, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

D. Currow, M. Hegarty, Meg Hegarty, 2006 .

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, H. Uronis, 2009, Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, 2018 .

T. Luckett, D. Currow, M. Barbato, 2022, Palliative & supportive care.

C. Nikles, G. Mitchell, D. Currow, 2015, Journal of pain and symptom management.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, 2020, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.

D. Currow, M. Ekström, Z. Ahmadi, 2017, Current opinion in supportive and palliative care.

Miriam J. Johnson, J. Bland, D. Currow, 2017, Thorax.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, M. Ekström, 2015, BMJ : British Medical Journal.

Miriam J. Johnson, A. Abernethy, D. Currow, 2013, The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, 2012, Current opinion in supportive and palliative care.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, A. Kamal, 2012, Journal of palliative medicine.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, 2010, Journal of pain and symptom management.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, S. Aoun, 2008, Journal of palliative medicine.

A. Abernethy, P. Frith, J. Plummer, 2007, Journal of palliative medicine.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, 2007, Current opinion in supportive and palliative care.

D. Currow, C. Sanderson, G. Mitchell, 2006, Australian family physician.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, M. Ekström, 2016, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.

D. Currow, B. Fazekas, M. Agar, 2013, Supportive Care in Cancer.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, D. Hui, 2016, The American journal of hospice & palliative care.

D. Currow, Slavica Kochovska, Joseph Clark, 2022, Current opinion in supportive and palliative care.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, M. Ekström, 2022, BMC Pulmonary Medicine.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, M. Luszcz, 2018, npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, M. Agar, 2013, Journal of palliative medicine.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, M. Ekström, 2018, European Respiratory Journal.

Miriam J. Johnson, A. Abernethy, J. Bland, 2013, Journal of pain and symptom management.

Miriam J. Johnson, R. Lansing, T. Similowski, 2017, European Respiratory Journal.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, R. Wiseman, 2013, Australian family physician.

D. Currow, H. Matsuoka, L. Lam, 2018, Supportive Care in Cancer.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, P. Ashwood, 2017, BMJ supportive & palliative care.

A. Abernethy, P. Frith, D. Currow, 2005, Palliative medicine.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, 2016, Expert review of respiratory medicine.

D. Currow, N. McCaffrey, 2015, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.

D. Walsh, S. Nava, D. Currow, 2021, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

A. Crockett, D. Currow, J. Bowden, 2004 .

H. Seale, D. Currow, M. Crane, 2015, Primary Health Care Research & Development.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, M. Ekström, 2015, Current opinion in supportive and palliative care.

P. Davidson, T. Luckett, D. Currow, 2015, Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association.

D. Currow, Katherine Clark, 2011, Journal of pain and symptom management.

D. Currow, K. Clark, Katalin Urban, 2010, Journal of palliative medicine.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, 2015, Journal of pain and symptom management.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, J. Wheeler, 2010, Current opinion in supportive and palliative care.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, B. Fazekas, 2007, Journal of pain and symptom management.

Ireneous N. Soyiri, D. Currow, 2019, Journal of palliative medicine.

A. Abernethy, M. Fallon, D. Currow, 2017, Journal of pain and symptom management.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, M. Ekström, 2020, European Respiratory Journal.

D. Currow, B. Fazekas, M. Agar, 2013, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

D. Currow, M. Agar, J. Hardy, 2011, Journal of palliative medicine.

D. Currow, M. Agar, E. Lobb, 2011, Journal of palliative medicine.

H. Seale, D. Currow, M. Crane, 2014, Health promotion journal of Australia : official journal of Australian Association of Health Promotion Professionals.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, 2015, European Respiratory Journal.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, T. Leblanc, 2010, Journal of palliative medicine.

W. Hall, D. Currow, M. Christie, 2005, The Lancet. Oncology.

D. Currow, M. Ekström, D. Ferreira, 2022, Journal of pain and symptom management.

D. Currow, A. Dessaix, J. McKenzie, 2016, Public health research & practice.

A. Abernethy, J. Kutner, D. L. Couteur, 2012 .

D. Currow, K. Clark, J. Phillips, 2016, The Medical journal of Australia.

D. Currow, R. Stuart-Harris, P. Noble, 1995 .

D. Currow, P. Hakendorf, D. Rowett, 2013, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.

Miriam J. Johnson, M. Fallon, D. Currow, 2018, Current opinion in supportive and palliative care.

D. Currow, J. Tieman, 2006, The Medical journal of Australia.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, T. Shelby-James, 2006, The Medical journal of Australia.

L. To, D. Currow, T. To, 2016, Journal of palliative medicine.

D. Currow, K. Canfell, D. Roder, 2021, The Medical journal of Australia.

D. Currow, S. Pantilat, K. Bischoff, 2014, Journal of palliative care.

D. Currow, W. Muircroft, 2011 .

D. Currow, J. Tieman, D. Morgan, 2019, Journal of palliative medicine.

D. Currow, J. Tieman, G. Crawford, 2017, Australian journal of primary health.

P. Butow, D. Currow, G. Davison, 2012, Australian family physician.

Miriam J. Johnson, I. White, D. Currow, 2018, British Medical Journal.

D. Currow, R. Mcconigley, T. Shelby-James, 2015, Health expectations : an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy.

D. Currow, K. Clark, 2009 .

D. Currow, A. Hordern, 2003, The Medical journal of Australia.

D. Currow, M. Agar, Danielle Ko, 2013, Journal of palliative medicine.

D. Currow, M. Ekström, Slavica Kochovska, 2022, BMJ Open Respiratory Research.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, M. Ekström, 2020, Palliative medicine reports.

P. Butow, J. Simpson, M. Tattersall, 2007, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

D. Currow, E. Nightingale, 2003, The Medical journal of Australia.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, Alicia M Ward, 2009, Current opinion in supportive and palliative care.

D. Currow, D. Rowett, B. Russell, 2014, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

E. Bruera, D. Meagher, D. Currow, 2014, Journal of pain and symptom management.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, J. Boland, 2019, Journal of pain and symptom management.

D. Currow, 2002, The Medical journal of Australia.

D. Currow, K. Clark, M. Dawe, 2012, The American journal of hospice & palliative care.

D. Currow, D. Morgan, C. Marston, 2018, Journal of pain and symptom management.

J. Plummer, D. Currow, M. Agar, 2008, Australian occupational therapy journal.

Malcolm R Masso, K. Eagar, D. Currow, 2016, Palliative medicine.

D. Currow, B. Koczwara, C. Sanderson, 2006, The Medical journal of Australia.

D. Currow, K. Clark, 2013, Journal of pain and symptom management.

Afaf Girgis, D. Currow, A. Girgis, 2013, Journal of oncology practice.

C. Ritchie, D. Currow, M. Agar, 2016, Journal of palliative medicine.

A. Abernethy, J. Plummer, D. Currow, 2010, Journal of palliative medicine.

P. Davidson, M. DiGiacomo, D. Currow, 2011, Journal of pain and symptom management.

E. Bruera, S. Kanji, D. Currow, 2014, Journal of pain and symptom management.

D. Currow, Slavica Kochovska, D. Ferreira, 2022, Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, M. Maddocks, 2016 .

Miriam J. Johnson, A. Abernethy, D. Currow, 2013, Journal of palliative medicine.

A. Abernethy, F. Strasser, D. Currow, 2012, The Lancet. Oncology.

Miriam J. Johnson, A. Abernethy, P. Frith, 2011, Journal of pain and symptom management.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, 2011, Current opinion in supportive and palliative care.

P. Stone, E. Bruera, M. Hjermstad, 2018, The Lancet. Oncology.

Miriam J. Johnson, P. Davidson, D. Currow, 2012, International journal of nursing studies.

D. Currow, J. Hardy, C. Sanderson, 2013, Journal of pain and symptom management.

D. Currow, K. Clark, Joanna M Smith, 2012, Journal of pain and symptom management.

J. Plummer, D. Currow, B. Fazekas, 2012, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

D. Currow, B. Fazekas, N. McCaffrey, 2016, Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association.

D. Currow, A. Wilcock, J. Hunt, 2022, BMJ supportive & palliative care.

A. Abernethy, F. Strasser, D. Currow, 2009, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

D. Currow, J. Hardy, O. Spruyt, 2012, Journal of palliative medicine.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, C. Daugherty, 2010, Cancer journal.

Miriam J. Johnson, A. Simonds, D. Currow, 2020, European Respiratory Journal.

Miriam J. Johnson, S. Birring, M. Kreuter, 2020, European Respiratory Journal.

D. Currow, N. Cooney, Neil Cooney, 1994, Palliative medicine.

D. Currow, M. Rose, 2009, Journal of pain & palliative care pharmacotherapy.

E. Bruera, J. V. Von Roenn, F. Ferris, 2009, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

David C Currow, D. Currow, L. Kristjanson, 2005, Palliative medicine.

P. Davidson, T. Luckett, D. Currow, 2016, Current opinion in supportive and palliative care.

Miriam J. Johnson, A. Abernethy, D. Currow, 2013, Journal of pain and symptom management.

D. Goodridge, D. Currow, D. Goodridge, 2009, Thorax.

D. Roder, T. Sorrell, M. Kohonen-Corish, 2022, Journal of clinical epidemiology.

N. Merrett, D. Currow, R. Walton, 2020, ANZ journal of surgery.

Jane M. Young, T. Dobbins, D. Currow, 2015, Journal of clinical epidemiology.

Jane M. Young, D. Currow, A. Miller, 2019, npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine.

D. Currow, Sanchia Aranda, 2015, The Australian journal of rural health.

D. Currow, Sanchia Aranda, 2015, The Medical journal of Australia.

D. Roder, D. Currow, B. McCaughan, 2014, The Medical journal of Australia.

Chris Rissel, Sally M. Dunlop, Adrian Bauman, 2015, Nicotine & tobacco research : official journal of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.

D. Currow, A. Dessaix, 2011, BMJ : British Medical Journal.

A. Abernethy, F. Strasser, D. Currow, 2015, British Journal of Cancer.

D. Currow, M. Lovell, B. Fazekas, 2016, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.

A. Abernethy, J. Milanowski, J. Temel, 2017, Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology.

Miriam J. Johnson, A. Abernethy, J. Bland, 2014, Journal of pain and symptom management.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, B. Fazekas, 2015, Journal of pain and symptom management.

N. Talley, D. Currow, K. Clark, 2010, Journal of palliative medicine.

J. Ratcliffe, D. Currow, N. McCaffrey, 2016, Health and Quality of Life Outcomes.

D. Currow, S. Bajwah, M. Ekström, 2018, European Respiratory Journal.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, M. Ekström, 2019, European Respiratory Journal.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, M. Ekström, 2019, Journal of pain and symptom management.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, M. Ekström, 2018, Journal of pain and symptom management.

Miriam J. Johnson, R. Lansing, D. Currow, 2017, European Respiratory Journal.

D. Currow, M. Ekström, Z. Ahmadi, 2016, International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

W. J. Boscardin, Miriam J. Johnson, A. Abernethy, 2016, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

D. Currow, M. Ekström, K. Moens, 2016 .

Miriam J. Johnson, Patricia Davidson, P. Davidson, 2016, npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine.

K. Eagar, D. Currow, P. Yates, 2016, Journal of pain and symptom management.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, 2015, Current opinion in supportive and palliative care.

D. Currow, M. Ekström, F. Nilsson, 2015, Annals of the American Thoracic Society.

A. Crockett, D. Currow, J. Cranston, 2008, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.

Miriam J. Johnson, A. Abernethy, J. Bland, 2012, European Respiratory Journal.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, J. Yorke, 2018, European Respiratory Journal.

Miriam J. Johnson, R. Lansing, D. Currow, 2018, European Respiratory Journal.

K. Eagar, D. Currow, K. Clark, 2016, Journal of pain and symptom management.

C. Janson, D. Currow, M. Emtner, 2015, European Respiratory Journal.

A. Abernethy, E. Bruera, J. Plummer, 2008, Supportive Care in Cancer.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, A. Hutchinson, 2015, Emergency Medicine Australasia.

D. Currow, M. Lovell, B. Fazekas, 2014, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.

K. Eagar, D. Currow, P. Yates, 2010, Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association.

S. Inglis, P. Davidson, T. Luckett, 2014, Journal of pain and symptom management.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, Alicia M Ward, 2008, International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

D. Currow, D. Ferreira, 2019, Textbook of Palliative Care.

D. Currow, M. J. Johnson, 2016, Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology.

A. Abernethy, B. Miriovsky, D. Currow, 2012, Chronic respiratory disease.

T. Olds, D. Currow, Marie T. Williams, 2019, Palliative medicine.

D. Currow, D. Rowett, P. Tait, 2013 .

Jennifer Tieman, Ruth Sladek, D. Currow, 2008, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

D. Currow, K. Mooren, Y. Engels, 2023, International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

D. Currow, M. Agar, J. Phillips, 2020, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, M. Agar, 2013, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

N. Stocks, D. Currow, D. Eckert, 2021, BMJ Open.

N. MacIntyre, D. Currow, N. Wysham, 2018, American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, T. Leblanc, 2014, Primary care respiratory journal : journal of the General Practice Airways Group.

A. Crockett, D. Currow, M. Ekström, 2013, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.

D. Meagher, D. Currow, D. Adamis, 2014, Journal of pain and symptom management.

Miriam J. Johnson, A. Abernethy, J. Bland, 2012 .

D. Roder, D. Currow, 2009, Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention : APJCP.

D. Currow, M. Petersen, V. Vaughan, 2023, International Journal of Clinical Oncology.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, K. Fearon, 2015, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, A. Girgis, 2014, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.

G. Davis, D. Currow, J. Yee, 2013, Journal of Cancer Survivorship.

G. Davis, D. Currow, J. Beith, 2013, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

D. Currow, T. Leblanc, 2018, Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology.

D. Currow, T. Leblanc, 2018, Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology.

Amy P Abernethy, David C Currow, A. Abernethy, 2013, Palliative medicine.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, J. Wheeler, 2009, Palliative medicine.

David C. Currow, Amy P. Abernethy, Jane L. Wheeler, 2007, Supportive Care in Cancer.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, Slavica Kochovska, 2020, Current opinion in supportive and palliative care.

K. Eagar, L. Lester, D. Currow, 2017, Palliative and Supportive Care.

D. Currow, 2015, Palliative medicine.

Jane M. Young, P. Gibbs, T. Dobbins, 2015, Journal of pain and symptom management.

D. Currow, K. Clark, M. Agar, 2014, Journal of pain and symptom management.

D. Currow, R. Magnusson, 2013, The Medical journal of Australia.

D. Currow, K. Fong, N. Rankin, 2020, Translational lung cancer research.

I. Higginson, D. Currow, D. Dudgeon, 2020, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

D. Currow, B. Fazekas, B. Le, 2019, Palliative medicine.

D. Currow, A. Greene, T. To, 2012, Journal of palliative medicine.

K. Brown, K. Flaherty, A. Wells, 2022, European Respiratory Journal.

Mark T Lee, L. Chantrill, D. Currow, 2022, Journal of surgical oncology.

D. Currow, Katherine Clark, 2020, The Oncologist.

Jane M. Young, D. Currow, K. Rogers, 2015, Cancer epidemiology.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, J. Wheeler, 2010, Cancer journal.

D. Currow, K. Fong, N. Rankin, 2018, Respirology (Carlton South. Print).

D. Currow, J. Phillips, 2019, Textbook of Palliative Care.

David C Currow, D. Currow, J. Phillips, 2010, Collegian.

D. Currow, A. Wilcock, A. Sinnarajah, 2023, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, A. Wilcock, 2018, Journal of palliative medicine.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, N. McCaffrey, 2011, Journal of pain and symptom management.

A. Abernethy, S. Kaasa, D. Currow, 2009, Journal of pain and symptom management.

P. Butow, D. Ghersi, K. Hancock, 2007, Journal of pain and symptom management.

D. Currow, K. Clark, L. Lam, 2012, Journal of pain and symptom management.

A. Abernethy, C. Ritchie, D. Currow, 2013, Journal of pain and symptom management.

D. Currow, M. Ekström, Slavica Kochovska, 2023, Palliative medicine reports.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, S. Quinn, 2015, Journal of pain and symptom management.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, J. Tieman, 2010, Journal of palliative medicine.

Amy P Abernethy, Jennifer Tieman, Ruth Sladek, 2006, Journal of the Medical Library Association : JMLA.

A. Abernethy, J. Kutner, D. Currow, 2012, Current opinion in supportive and palliative care.

D. Currow, K. Clark, A. Collier, 2015, Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association.

A. Abernethy, P. Phillips, D. Currow, 2006, Palliative medicine.

N. van Zandwijk, D. Currow, M. Soeberg, 2016, Australian and New Zealand journal of public health.

J. Braithwaite, J. Westbrook, J. Karnon, 2021, BMC research notes.

D. Roder, D. Currow, Nicola Creighton, 2018, Cancer epidemiology.

M. Hjermstad, S. Kaasa, D. Currow, 2017, Journal of pain and symptom management.

A. Abernethy, F. Strasser, D. Currow, 2011, Journal of Clinical Oncology.

D. Currow, 2012, Journal of palliative medicine.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, M. Ekstrom, 2017, Palliative medicine.

D. Currow, J. Phillips, Slavica Kochovska, 2021, European Respiratory Journal.

D. Currow, M. Agar, C. Goh, 2014, Journal of pain and symptom management.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, V. Allgar, 2018, Journal of pain and symptom management.

P. Butow, D. Currow, J. Tieman, 2015, International journal of palliative nursing.

D. Currow, J. Tieman, Kate Swetenham, 2014, International journal of palliative nursing.

Miriam J. Johnson, T. Similowski, D. Currow, 2023, European Respiratory Journal.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, D. Bruner, 2012, Current opinion in supportive and palliative care.

D. Currow, Ross C. Smith, Nicola Creighton, 2014, The Medical journal of Australia.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, J. Phillips, 2019, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.

D. Currow, V. Brunelli, Slavica Kochovska, 2023, Expert review of respiratory medicine.

D. Currow, K. Clark, 2014, Journal of pain and symptom management.

D. Currow, J. Hardy, P. Ravenscroft, 2009, Journal of pain and symptom management.

S. Vinod, D. Currow, K. Fong, 2019, Asia-Pacific journal of clinical oncology.

D. Currow, M. Doogue, J. Phillips, 2013, Journal of palliative medicine.

D. Currow, L. Kristjanson, R. Mcconigley, 2013, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, J. Phillips, 2019, Future directions of hospice care: IPU or ITU?.

Fiona M. Blyth, T. Dobbins, D. Currow, 2023, Drug and alcohol review.

D. Currow, A. Girgis, S. Aoun, 2006 .

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, A. Hutchinson, 2019, Journal of pain and symptom management.

N. Perrin, P. Macdonald, P. Davidson, 2019, Heart Failure Reviews.

D. A. Campbell, D. Currow, 2002, The Medical journal of Australia.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, V. Allgar, 2019, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.

D. Currow, Katherine Clark, 2012, Journal of pain and symptom management.

A. Abernethy, P. Frith, D. Currow, 2003, BMJ : British Medical Journal.

P. Burgess, D. Currow, J. Curtis, 2023, Psychological Medicine.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, A. Greene, 2012, Journal of pain and symptom management.

D. Currow, A. Girgis, K. Clark, 2011 .

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, 2006, Archives of internal medicine.

T. Kroll, R. Viney, J. Coast, 2023, International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care.

A. Abernethy, Joanne Lewis, M. DiGiacomo, 2017, Palliative medicine.

L. Denehy, D. Currow, Sanchia Aranda, 2015, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.

J. Webster, D. Currow, J. Phillips, 2014, The Medical journal of Australia.

D. Currow, J. Phillips, R. Chan, 2014, Palliative medicine.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, 2014, The Lancet.

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Fiona M. Blyth, T. Dobbins, D. Currow, 2023, JAMA network open.

Amy P Abernethy, Jennifer J Tieman, David C Currow, 2005, BMC palliative care.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, M. Agar, 2012, Pharmaceutical Medicine.

D. Currow, N. McCaffrey, S. Eckermann, 2009, Journal of pain and symptom management.

A. Abernethy, J. Stevenson, D. Currow, 2007, Journal of palliative care.

D. Currow, M. Ekström, Z. Ahmadi, 2016, Journal of pain and symptom management.

D. Currow, B. Fazekas, K. Clark, 2012, Journal of palliative medicine.

N. Merrett, D. Currow, Ross C. Smith, 2014, The Medical journal of Australia.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, M. Agar, 2009, Palliative medicine.

J. Plummer, B. Draper, D. Currow, 2008, Palliative medicine.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, 2012, JAMA.

A. Abernethy, J. Plummer, D. Currow, 2018, Rehabilitation and Chronic Care.

P. Burgess, D. Currow, J. Curtis, 2023, Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology.

D. Currow, D. Rowett, 2014 .

D. Currow, D. Currow, A. Abernethy, 2012, International journal of clinical practice.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, N. McCaffrey, 2011, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management.

P. Stone, E. Bruera, M. Hjermstad, 2018, The Lancet. Oncology.

Janette P Green, K. Eagar, D. Currow, 2009, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management.

D. Currow, J. Hardy, P. Ravenscroft, 2009, Journal of pain and symptom management.

A. Abernethy, F. Blyth, J. Plummer, 2010, Australian and New Zealand journal of public health.

A. Abernethy, F. Strasser, D. Currow, 2009, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

Miriam J. Johnson, O. Faull, K. Pattinson, 2018, European Respiratory Journal.

D. Currow, K. Clark, 2014, International journal of palliative nursing.

K. Eagar, D. Currow, P. Yates, 2010, Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association.

A. Abernethy, C. Ritchie, D. Currow, 2013, Journal of pain and symptom management.

D. Meagher, D. Currow, D. Adamis, 2014, Journal of pain and symptom management.

D. Currow, M. Agar, A. Collier, 2020, Journal of palliative medicine.

D. Currow, A. Girgis, S. Lambert, 2013, Journal of oncology practice.

Miriam J. Johnson, R. Lansing, T. Similowski, 2017, European Respiratory Journal.

A. Abernethy, P. Davidson, D. Currow, 2018, European Respiratory Journal.

E. Bruera, S. Kanji, D. Currow, 2014, Journal of pain and symptom management.

C. Janson, D. Currow, M. Emtner, 2015, European Respiratory Journal.

A. Abernethy, E. Bruera, D. Currow, 2016, Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology.

D. Currow, A. Greene, T. To, 2012, Journal of palliative medicine.

D. Currow, D. Currow, N. Cooney, 1997, Journal of pain and symptom management.

A. Abernethy, D. Currow, 2014, The Lancet.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, I. Kinchin, 2020, Journal of pain and symptom management.

K. Eagar, D. Currow, P. Yates, 2016, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management.

Miriam J. Johnson, D. Currow, 2016, Current opinion in supportive and palliative care.

A. Abernethy, C. Morélot-Panzini, T. Similowski, 2016, European Respiratory Journal.

S. Inglis, P. Macdonald, P. Davidson, 2019, Telemedicine journal and e-health : the official journal of the American Telemedicine Association.

Miriam J. Johnson, A. Abernethy, D. Currow, 2013, Journal of pain and symptom management.

D. Currow, M. Conroy, S. Moran, 2022, International journal of palliative nursing.

D. Currow, R. Stuart-Harris, P. Noble, 1995, The Medical journal of Australia.

D. Currow, M. Ekström, Z. Ahmadi, 2016, Journal of pain and symptom management.

D. Currow, Amy P. Abernethy, S. Zafar, 2008, Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.