B. Gilquin


Catherine Marquer, C. Marquer, C. Fruchart-Gaillard, 2011, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Flavio Toma, Christian Roumestand, C. Roumestand, 1992 .

B. Alpha-Bazin, S. Zinn-Justin, B. Gilquin, 2007, Nucleic acids research.

B. Gilquin, J. Charbonnier, Pierre Legrand, 2013, Nature Structural &Molecular Biology.

J. Changeux, N. L. Le Novère, P. Corringer, 2002, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

S. Zinn-Justin, B. Gilquin, J. Conway, 2017, Scientific Reports.

E. Orlova, G. Letellier, S. Zinn-Justin, 2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

X. Marchandise, B. Gilquin, J. Wemeau, 2007, Calcified Tissue International.

A. Ménez, B. Gilquin, M. Ploug, 2006, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

S. Zinn-Justin, B. Gilquin, L. Carlier, 2007, Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society.

B. Gilquin, H. Desvaux, P. Berthault, 1995, Carbohydrate research.

B. Alpha-Bazin, S. Zinn-Justin, B. Gilquin, 2005, Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society.

E. Orlova, S. Zinn-Justin, B. Gilquin, 2014, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

S. Zinn-Justin, B. Gilquin, H. Worman, 2006, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

S. Zinn-Justin, B. Gilquin, I. Callebaut, 2008, Biochemistry.

S. Zinn-Justin, A. Ménez, D. Servent, 2003, Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society.

C. Roumestand, C. Vita, A. Ménez, 1997, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

S. Zinn-Justin, A. Ménez, B. Gilquin, 2002, Journal of molecular biology.

C. Vita, S. Zinn-Justin, A. Ménez, 1996, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

J. Changeux, N. L. Le Novère, P. Corringer, 2002, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

G. Mourier, D. Servent, B. Gilquin, 2013, Toxicon : official journal of the International Society on Toxinology.

A. Ménez, B. Gilquin, S. Gasparini, 2004, Toxicon : official journal of the International Society on Toxinology.

M. Delepierre, A. Chaffotte, H. Buc, 2014, The FEBS journal.

S. Grissmer, A. Ménez, B. Gilquin, 2002, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

S. Zinn-Justin, B. Gilquin, I. Callebaut, 2008, Biochemistry.

L. Rasmussen, S. Zinn-Justin, B. Gilquin, 2008, Molecular and Cellular Biology.

B. Gilquin, V. Dive, D. Perahia, 2009, International journal of peptide and protein research.