S. Steinberg


R. Cedergren, B. Paquin, S. Steinberg, 1999, Chemistry & biology.

P. Schimmel, S. Kelley, S. Steinberg, 2001, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

R. Cedergren, G. Ferbeyre, V. Bourdeau, 1998, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

D. Gautheret, R. Cedergren, S. Steinberg, 1994, Journal of molecular biology.

P. Schimmel, S. Kelley, S. Steinberg, 2000, Nature Structural Biology.

C. Steegborn, S. Steinberg, M. Sprinzl, 1996, Nucleic acids research.

Mathias Sprinzl, Konstantin S. Vassilenko, S. Steinberg, 1993, Nucleic Acids Res..

S. Steinberg, Sergey V Steinberg, Ekaterina I Zagryadskaya, 2003, Nucleic acids research.

S. Mader, D. Nguyen, Walter Rocha, 2007, Nucleic acids research.

S. Steinberg, I. Tarassov, N. Entelis, 2010, RNA.

Carsten Horn, Sergey Steinberg, Mathias Sprinzl, 1998, Nucleic Acids Res..

S. Steinberg, Yury I Boutorine, M. Gagnon, 2010, Nucleic acids research.

R. Cedergren, S. Steinberg, 1994, Nature Structural Biology.

I. Nabi, S. Steinberg, T. Duchaine, 2000, Molecular and Cellular Biology.

S. Steinberg, Konstantin Bokov, Sergey V. Steinberg, 2009, Nature.

S. Steinberg, L. Kisselev, L L Kisselev, 1992, Biochimie.

S. Steinberg, M. Gagnon, A. Mukhopadhyay, 2006, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

G. Burger, S. Steinberg, Mohamed Hafez, 2013, RNA biology.

S. Steinberg, E. Zagryadskaya, N. Kotlova, 2004, Journal of molecular biology.

S. Steinberg, M. Sprinzl, A. Misch, 1993, Nucleic Acids Research.

L. Brakier-Gingras, S. Steinberg, P. Cunningham, 2004, Journal of molecular biology.

L. Brakier-Gingras, S. Steinberg, D. Dulude, 2003, Journal of Molecular Biology.

R Cedergren, R. Cedergren, S. Steinberg, 1997, Journal of molecular biology.

S. Steinberg, Matthieu G Gagnon, Sergey V Steinberg, 2010, RNA.

S. Steinberg, Sergey V Steinberg, Yury I Boutorine, 2007, RNA.

S. Steinberg, Matthieu G Gagnon, Sergey V Steinberg, 2002, RNA.

S. Steinberg, Jianhong Chen, E. Zagryadskaya, 2004, Journal of molecular biology.