B. Michot


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J. Bachellerie, B. Michot, J. Ni, 1995, Trends in biochemical sciences.

J. Bachellerie, B. Michot, M. Renalier, 1982, FEBS letters.

J. Bachellerie, B. Michot, M. Nicoloso, 1994, Molecular and cellular biology.

J. Bachellerie, J. Cavaille, L. Qu, 1995, Biochemistry and cell biology = Biochimie et biologie cellulaire.

J. Bachellerie, B. Michot, F. Raynal, 1983, Molecular Biology Reports.

G. Lenaers, B. Michot, L. Maroteaux, 1989, Journal of Molecular Evolution.

J. Bachellerie, B. Michot, N. Joseph, 1989, FEBS letters.

Florence Corpet, B. Michot, F. Corpet, 1994, Comput. Appl. Biosci..

Daniel Gautheret, Matthieu Legendre, Jean-Fred Fontaine, 2004, Nucleic Acids Res..

C. Chevalet, B. Michot, C. Chevalet, 1992, Comput. Appl. Biosci..

J. Bachellerie, B. Michot, F. Raynal, 1983, FEBS letters.

J. Bachellerie, B. Michot, F. Raynal, 1982, FEBS letters.

B. Michot, P. Lajudie, P. Ruffray, 1996, Molecular and General Genetics MGG.