L. Birch


L. Birch, 1976, Journal of experimental child psychology.

L. Birch, J. Lee, S. Stotz, 2020, Journal of nutrition education and behavior.

Runze Li, L. Collins, R. Belue, 2004 .

L. Birch, S. Sullivan, Susan A. Sullivan, 1994, Pediatrics.

L. Birch, 1998, The Journal of nutrition.

L. Birch, 1999, Annual review of nutrition.

L. Birch, S. Johnson, 1994, Pediatrics.

L. Birch, S. L. Anzman, S. Anzman, 2009, The Journal of pediatrics.

L. Birch, S. Sullivan, Susan A. Sullivan, 1990 .

L. Birch, S. Sullivan, S. Johnson, 1989, Appetite.

B. Rolls, L. Birch, Jennifer Orlet Fisher, 2003, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

L. Birch, 2009, Nutrition reviews.

L. Birch, J. Fisher, J O Fisher, 1998, Pediatrics.

L. Birch, J. Fisher, T. M. Cutting, 1999, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

L. Birch, K. Davison, K. K. Davison, 2001, Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity.

L. Birch, K. Krahnstoever Davison, L. Francis, 2005, Obesity research.

J Sobal, A. Drewnowski, R. Wing, 2009, Nutrition reviews.

Lynn Parker, Annina Catherine Burns, L. Parker, 2011 .

M. Rovine, L. Birch, K. Gates, 2013, Infancy : the official journal of the International Society on Infant Studies.

D Engell, B. Rolls, L. Birch, 2000, Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

L. Birch, J. Fisher, Jennifer Fisher, 1995, Pediatric clinics of North America.

Daniel J. Blankenberg, D. Blankenberg, A. Nekrutenko, 2017, bioRxiv.

Emily E. Hohman, L. Birch, K. Balantekin, 2018, BMC Public Health.

L. Birch, M. Shaffer, I. Paul, 2011, Clinical pediatrics.

L. Birch, J. Fisher, 1999, Appetite.

L. Birch, Meghan M. Sinton, Meghan M. Sinton, 2005, The International journal of eating disorders.

L. Birch, Jennifer L. Stokes, S. L. Anzman, 2011, Obesity.

L. Birch, E. Frongillo, M. Lampl, 2001, American journal of human biology : the official journal of the Human Biology Council.

L. Birch, P. Bordi, J. Savage, 2013, Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

D. Crawford, A. Worsley, L. Birch, 2002, Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition.

Timothy R. Brick, L. Birch, I. Paul, 2019, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.

S. Daniels, J. Steinberger, S. Gidding, 2014, Pediatric Clinical Practice Guidelines & Policies.

L. Birch, M. Picciano, R. Matheny, 1990, Developmental psychobiology.

Emily E. Hohman, L. Birch, I. Paul, 2017 .

L. Birch, C. Bartok, I. Paul, 2010, Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine.

Emily E. Hohman, E. Loken, L. Birch, 2017, Pediatrics.

L. Birch, L. Francis, S. Anzman‐Frasca, 2015, Translational issues in psychological science.

D. G. Laing, L. Birch, K. Grimm-Thomas, 1998, Appetite.

Susan L. Johnson, J. Peters, L. Birch, 1991, The New England journal of medicine.

L. Birch, C. Rose, J. Savage, 2017, International Journal of Obesity.

L. Birch, Yoonna Lee, D. Mitchell, 2004, The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity.

J. Peters, L. Birch, J. Peters, 1993, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

M. Gillman, L. Birch, S. Rifas-Shiman, 2004, Pediatrics.

L. Birch, Kameron J. Moding, I. Paul, 2018, Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP.

T. Mann, T. Heatherton, L. Stoeckel, 2017, Obesity.

L. Birch, S. Anzman‐Frasca, 2011, Nestle Nutrition workshop series. Paediatric programme.

L. Birch, J. Fisher, 2002, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

K. Kugler, L. Birch, J. Savage, 2017, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.

L. Birch, J. Fisher, 1997, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

Reneé H Moore, D. Allison, L. Birch, 2012, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

L. Birch, K. Davison, J. Fisher, 2003, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

E. Loken, L. Birch, J. Savage, 2014, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

J. Peters, L. Birch, S. Johnson, 1991, The New England journal of medicine.

L. Birch, I. Paul, A. Shelly, 2018, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.

L. Birch, K. Grimm-Thomas, J. Fisher, 1999 .

L. Birch, C. Bartok, I. Paul, 2017 .

L. Birch, L. Francis, M. Marini, 2009, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

Andrew W Brown, David B Allison, Nir Menachemi, 2013, The New England journal of medicine.

S. Daniels, J. Steinberger, S. Gidding, 2006, Pediatrics.

G. Prins, L. Birch, G. Guerriero, 2005, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

L. Birch, 1987, Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

L. Birch, 1998, Proceedings of the Nutrition Society.

L. Birch, K. Balantekin, J. Savage, 2015, The International journal of eating disorders.

Daniel J. Blankenberg, D. Blankenberg, A. Nekrutenko, 2018, Scientific Reports.

Stewart G Trost, S. Trost, L. Birch, 2007, The Journal of pediatrics.

L. Birch, Yoonna Lee, A. Galloway, 2005, Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

L. Birch, A. Ventura, Leann L Birch, 2008, The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity.

L. Birch, J. Fisher, J. Savage, 2007, The Journal of law, medicine & ethics : a journal of the American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics.

L. Birch, Yoonna Lee, Leann L Birch, 2003, Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

L. Birch, A. Ventura, J. Savage, 2007, Canadian journal of dietetic practice and research.

B. Rolls, L. Birch, L. Roe, 2013, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

Van Horn, Dwyer, Christina D. Economos, 1998 .

L. Birch, J. Fisher, 1995, Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

L. Birch, J. Fisher, 2000, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

L. Birch, A. Ventura, 2009, International Journal of Obesity.

L. Birch, J. Fisher, D. Mitchell, 2002, Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

L. Birch, L. Murray-Kolb, D. Mitchell, 2000, Pediatrics.

L. Birch, S. Kelleher, S. Diangelo, 2017, Pediatric Research.

Elisabetta Visalberghi, Amy T. Galloway, Elsa Addessi, 2005, Appetite.

L. Birch, Allison E. Doub, 2014, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

L. Birch, S. Johnson, L. McPhee, 1991, Physiology & Behavior.

L. Birch, K. Davison, Leann L Birch, 2002, The International journal of eating disorders.

L. Birch, J. Fisher, J O Fisher, 1999, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

L. Birch, R. Streisand, E. Mackey, 2018, Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings.

M. Black, L. Birch, J. Mennella, 2019, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

L. Birch, S. Richards, Jean Billman, 1984, Appetite.

L. Birch, B. Abramovitz, Beth A Abramovitz, 2000, Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

C. Markey, P. Markey, L. Birch, 2001, Journal of family psychology : JFP : journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association.

C. Markey, L. Birch, K. Davison, 2003, The International journal of eating disorders.

E. Loken, L. Birch, I. Paul, 2017, Pediatrics.

L. Birch, J. Fisher, M. Picciano, 2000, Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

L. Birch, D. Mitchell, H. Smiciklas‐Wright, 2006, Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

B. Rolls, L. Birch, D. Downs, 1973, Lancet.

L. Birch, D. Mitchell, M. Picciano, 2002, The Journal of pediatrics.

C. Markey, P. Markey, L. Birch, 2004, Sex roles.

Emily E. Hohman, L. Birch, J. Savage, 2016, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

B. Rolls, L. Birch, A. Davey, 2012, Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Rachel K. Johnson, M. Goran, C. Lindquist, 2000, Obesity research.

L. Birch, S. Sullivan, L. McPhee, 1990, Physiology & Behavior.

Jennifer S Savage, L. Birch, Leann L Birch, 2008, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

Donna Spruijt-Metz, D. Spruijt-Metz, M. Goran, 2002, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

Eric Loken, Alison K. Ventura, E. Loken, 2006, Pediatrics.

E. Visalberghi, L. Birch, E. Addessi, 2004, Primatologie : revue publiee sous l'egide de la Societe francophone de primatologie.

Kateryna D Makova, Ian M Paul, Jodi A Mindell, 2014, BMC Pediatrics.

L. Birch, I. Paul, Michele L Shaffer, 2010, Clinical pediatrics.

L. Birch, A. Ventura, D. Downs, 2009, Advances in pediatrics.

L. Birch, L. Francis, 2006, Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

L. Birch, K. Davison, L. Francis, 2005, The Journal of pediatrics.

L. Birch, I. Paul, J. Savage, 2014 .

L. Birch, J. Mindell, I. Paul, 2016, Pediatrics.

K. Makova, F. Chiaromonte, L. Birch, 2021, Econometrics and statistics.

L. Birch, K. Balantekin, J. Savage, 2018, Eating and Weight Disorders - Studies on Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity.

K. Kugler, L. Birch, K. Balantekin, 2022 .

D. Spruijt-Metz, M. Goran, Chaoyang Li, 2006, The Journal of pediatrics.

A. Crouter, L. Birch, S. McHale, 2001, Journal of Clinical Child Psychology.

L. Birch, C. Stifter, S. Anzman‐Frasca, 2012, Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP.

Yan Liu, B. Rolls, L. Birch, 2007, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

L. Birch, Jennifer A. Shunk, 2004, Appetite.

Jennifer M. DiNallo, J. Ulbrecht, L. Birch, 2017, Psychology of sport and exercise.

L. Birch, B. Rollins, S. Anzman, 2010, International Journal of Obesity.

Jennifer S. Savage, L. Birch, J. Fisher, 2015, Appetite.

L. Birch, K. Balantekin, J. Savage, 2014, Appetite.

L. Birch, D. Mitchell, D. Symons Downs, 2008, Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

L. Birch, Jennifer L. Stokes, I. Paul, 2018, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.

L. Birch, D. Mitchell, H. Smiciklas‐Wright, 2006, The Journal of nutrition.

L. Birch, D. Birch, Diane Wolfe Marlin, 1982, Appetite.

B. Rolls, L. Birch, Barbara J Rolls, 2010, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

B. Rolls, L. Birch, J. Fisher, 2007, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

L. Birch, Lesa Hoffman, J. Savage, 2009, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

B. Rolls, L. Birch, K. Leahy, 2008, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

L. Birch, C. Bartok, M. Marini, 2011, Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

L. Birch, L. Steinberg, M. Picciano, 1992, The Journal of nutrition.

M. Black, L. Birch, J. Mennella, 2019, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

L. Birch, L. Francis, 2005, International Journal of Obesity.

L. Birch, K. Davison, Dorothy L. Schmalz, 2007, The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.

M. Gillman, L. Birch, S. Rifas-Shiman, 2010, Archives of Disease in Childhood.

L. Birch, J. Fisher, K. Grimm-Thomas, 1996 .

B. Rolls, L. Birch, K. Leahy, 2008, Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

L. Birch, L. Francis, 2005, Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association.

L. Birch, C. Stifter, I. Paul, 2013, Infant behavior & development.

L. Birch, J. Fisher, Jennifer O. Fisher, 2000, Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

L. Birch, I. Paul, S. Anzman‐Frasca, 2012, Nestle Nutrition Institute workshop series.

L. Birch, A. Ventura, D. Mitchell, 2006, Journal of the American Dietetic Association.

L. Birch, I. Paul, J. Savage, 2019, Academic pediatrics.

C. Vallotton, L. Birch, I. Paul, 2019, Maternal & child nutrition.

Justin A. Lavner, L. Birch, Jessica J. Smith, 2017, Pilot and Feasibility Studies.

L. Birch, E. Bomberg, H. Seligman, 2017, Journal of comparative pathology.

L. Birch, 2016, Nestle Nutrition Institute workshop series.

L. Birch, J. Fisher, 2007, Eating Behaviors of the Young Child.

L. Birch, M. Grusak, J. Fisher, 2013, International Journal of Obesity.

L. Birch, J. Fisher, J. Savage, 2012, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

L. Birch, K. Balantekin, J. Savage, 2016, Maternal and Child Health Journal.

J. Wardle, R. Plomin, L. Birch, 2001, International Journal of Obesity.

L. Birch, S. Sullivan, L L Birch, 1991, The Journal of school health.

L. Birch, J. Fisher, K. Grimm-Thomas, 1999, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

L. Birch, I. Paul, C. Ruggiero, 2019, Current developments in nutrition.

L. Birch, Patricia A. Johnson, G. Andresen, 1990, Cancer.

L. Birch, C. Stifter, Kameron J. Moding, 2014, Appetite.

L. Birch, K. Davison, 2001, Obesity reviews : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity.

L. Birch, Lesa Hoffman, J. Savage, 2009, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

Anton Nekrutenko, Daniel Blankenberg, Francesca Chiaromonte, 2018, Scientific Reports.

L. Birch, H. Seligman, M. Day, 2017, Journal of comparative pathology.

L. Birch, K. Davison, Dorothy L. Schmalz, 2007, The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine.

B. Rolls, L. Birch, L. Roe, 2010, The American journal of clinical nutrition.

L. Birch, 1989, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.