S. Negahdaripour


S. Negahdaripour, S. Lee, S. Negahdaripour, 1991, Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Visual Motion.

S. Negahdaripour, J. M. Cuschieri, 1998, IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society. OCEANS'98. Conference Proceedings (Cat. No.98CH36259).

S. Negahdaripour, 1989, 12th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,.

S. Negahdaripour, P.B. Usoro, I.C. Schick, 1985, 1985 American Control Conference.

S. Negahdaripour, X. Xu, A. Khamene, 1998, Proceedings of the 1998 Workshop on Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (Cat. No.98CH36290).

S. Negahdaripour, 1994, Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Technology (AUV'94).

S. Negahdaripour, A. Khamene, H. Madjdi, 2001, MTS/IEEE Oceans 2001. An Ocean Odyssey. Conference Proceedings (IEEE Cat. No.01CH37295).

S. Negahdaripour, Hongsheng Zhang, 2006, Fourth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Systems (ICVS'06).

S. Negahdaripour, T. Nicosevici, R. Garcia, 2005, Proceedings of OCEANS 2005 MTS/IEEE.

S. Negahdaripour, C. Guaragnella, N. Mirizzi, 2018, OCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE Charleston.

S. Negahdaripour, S. Negahdaripour, Y. Zhang, 2015, OCEANS 2015 - Genova.

S. Negahdaripour, Hongsheng Zhang, 2004, ICPR 2004.