R. Roine


Ana Catarina Fonseca, D. Jatužis, J. Sinisalo, 2022, Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association.

R. Ilmoniemi, O. Salonen, J. Virtanen, 1997, Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology.

Sauli Savolainen, Hannu J. Aronen, Risto J. Ilmoniemi, 2002, Clinical Neurophysiology.

Hester F. Lingsma, A. M. Cavalheiro, H. S. King, 2016, Intensive Care Medicine Experimental.

M. Kaste, R. Roine, P. Lindsberg, 2000 .

S. Kasner, R. Roine, G. Andersen, 2020, Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases : the official journal of National Stroke Association.

L. Soinne, T. Tatlisumak, R. Roine, 2005, Stroke.

M. Kaste, T. Tatlisumak, R. Roine, 2000, Neurologic clinics.

M. Kaste, R. Roine, P. Nikki, 1987, British medical journal.

L. Ketonen, R. Roine, M. Hillbom, 1986, The Lancet.

R. Roine, R. Suojaranta-Ylinen, M. Niskanen, 2007, Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia.

M. Kaste, R. Roine, S. Kajaste, 1993, JAMA.

M. Kaste, R. Roine, A. Lamminen, 1998, Duodecim; laaketieteellinen aikakauskirja.

M. Holzer, F. Sterz, H. Losert, 2003, Current opinion in critical care.

L. Soinne, R. Roine, M. Kuoppamäki, 2015, Current therapeutic research, clinical and experimental.

M. Maze, J. Airaksinen, T. Vahlberg, 2017, Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

R. Roine, T. Silfvast, M. Tiainen, 2007, Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica.

M. Kaste, R. Roine, S. Kajaste, 1993, JAMA.

L. Ketonen, R. Roine, J. Lähdevirta, 1988, Brain : a journal of neurology.

K. Cantell, L. Bergström, R. Roine, 1984, Acta neurologica Scandinavica.

S. Kasner, T. Turan, H. Rowley, 2018, Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

R. Roine, F. Sterz, R. W. Johnson, 2003, Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37439).

D. Krieger, T. Steiner, C. Molina, 2011, Cerebrovascular Diseases.

R. Roine, J. Launes, P. Nikkinen, 1986, The Lancet.

R. Roine, M. Salaspuro, H. Nuutinen, 1987, Progress in clinical and biological research.

D. Krieger, M. Macleod, S. Schwab, 2014, International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society.

R. Roine, Docent Mikko Kallela, 2010 .

T. Erkinjuntti, R. Sulkava, R. Roine, 1988, Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry.

D. Krieger, M. Forsting, T. Steiner, 2014, International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society.

R. Roine, T. Silfvast, M. Tiainen, 2003, Resuscitation.

Helle K. Iversen, John F. Rhodes, David J. Spence, 2017, The New England journal of medicine.

R. Roine, P. Lindsberg, 2004, Stroke.

M. Kaste, T. Erkinjuntti, R. Roine, 1993, Stroke.

P. Kochanek, M. Ginsberg, P. Safar, 1996, Critical care medicine.

O Salonen, O. Salonen, L. Hokkanen, 2006, European journal of neurology.

J. Sinisalo, P. Jäkälä, J. Putaala, 2023, Annals of medicine.

S. Kasner, J. Spence, R. Roine, 2021, Catheterization and cardiovascular interventions.

Oili Salonen, Eero Salli, Heidi Wikström, 1999, Clinical Neurophysiology.

A. Häkkinen, N. Lundbom, M. Kaste, 2004, Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism.

Risto Näätänen, Oili Salonen, Eero Pekkonen, 2003, Stroke.

S. Kasner, J. Spence, R. Roine, 2021, The New England journal of medicine.

L. Bergström, R. Roine, R. Laaksonen, 1984 .

U. Stenman, R. Roine, U. Turpeinen, 1989, Clinical chemistry.

R. Roine, J. Launes, P. Nikkinen, 1987, The Lancet.

R. Roine, K. Olkkola, M. Hynynen, 2004, Journal of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia.

R. Roine, D. Hailey, R. Roine, 2001, CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne.

B. Koes, M. Tulder, A. Malmivaara, 2003, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.

M. Mäkelä, R. Roine, T. Klaukka, 2001, Scandinavian journal of infectious diseases.

B. Koes, M. Tulder, A. Malmivaara, 1999, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.

B. Koes, M. Tulder, A. Malmivaara, 2003, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.

S. Kasner, R. Roine, D. Hildick-Smith, 2017, The New England journal of medicine.

M. Färkkilä, R. Roine, M. Salaspuro, 1994, Gut.

H. Sintonen, R. Roine, H. Numminen, 2016, Acta neurologica Scandinavica.