L. Buchori


D. Anggoro, L. Buchori, A. Ma’ruf, 2021, Chemistry & Chemical Technology.

L. Buchori, H. Oktavianty, Iván, 2019, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.

L. Buchori, Hadiyanto Hadiyanto, W. Widayat, 2022, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects.

D. Anggoro, L. Buchori, Teguh Riyanto, 2019, Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis.

L. Buchori, Hadiyanto Hadiyanto, W. Widayat, 2022, Environmental science and pollution research international.

L. Buchori, O. Muraza, W. Widayat, 2022, International Journal of Ambient Energy.

D. Anggoro, L. Buchori, H. Oktavianty, 2019, Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis.

L. Buchori, Hadiyanto Hadiyanto, W. Widayat, 2023, THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF INDONESIAN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 2021: Enhancing Innovations and Applications of Chemical Engineering for Accelerating Sustainable Development Goals.

D. Anggoro, L. Buchori, Bagas Nur Prayoga, 2023, THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF INDONESIAN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 2021: Enhancing Innovations and Applications of Chemical Engineering for Accelerating Sustainable Development Goals.

L. Buchori, N. Aryanti, A. Nafiunisa, 2023, Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering.

D. Anggoro, L. Buchori, S. Sasongko, 2023, THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF INDONESIAN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 2021: Enhancing Innovations and Applications of Chemical Engineering for Accelerating Sustainable Development Goals.

L. Buchori, D. Sasongko, Y. Bindar, 2017 .

L. Buchori, H. Satriadi, Widayat, 2024, Results in Engineering.