M. Decréton


F. Berghmans, J. Baggio, M. Decreton, 2005, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.

J. Baggio, F. Berghmans, S. Girard, 2005, 2005 8th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems.

Francis Berghmans, M. Decreton, B. Brichard, 2002 .

Francis Berghmans, M. Decreton, B. Brichard, 2002 .

Paul Borgermans, Alain Delchambre, Patrice Mégret, 2001 .

F. Berghmans, M. Decreton, B. Brichard, 2000, 2000 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop. Workshop Record. Held in conjunction with IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference (Cat. No.00TH8527).

F. Berghmans, M. Decreton, B. Brichard, 1999, 1999 Fifth European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems. RADECS 99 (Cat. No.99TH8471).

A. L. Tomashuk, A. V. Krasilnikov, F. Berghmans, 2001 .

A. Vander Vorst, Fred E. Gardiol, A. V. Vorst, 1971 .

F. Berghmans, M. Decréton, M. Van Uffelen, 2001, RADECS 2001. 2001 6th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (Cat. No.01TH8605).

M. Decréton, Nina Noppe, 1993 .

F. Berghmans, B. Brichard, M. Decréton, 2005 .

F. Berghmans, M. Decréton, O. Deparis, 1995 .

Eric Colon, Jan De Geeter, Marc Decréton, 1999, Robotics Auton. Syst..

Hendrik Van Brussel, Joris De Schutter, Herman Bruyninckx, 1999, AISTATS.

Hendrik Van Brussel, Joris De Schutter, Herman Bruyninckx, 1998, Proceedings. 1998 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Innovations in Theory, Practice and Applications (Cat. No.98CH36190).

Hendrik Van Brussel, Joris De Schutter, Herman Bruyninckx, 1998, Adv. Robotics.

Hendrik Van Brussel, Joris De Schutter, Jan De Geeter, 1996, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.

Patrice Mégret, Michel Blondel, Marc C. Decreton, 1996 .

Patrice Megret, Michel Blondel, Marc C. Decreton, 1997, Optics & Photonics.

M. Decréton, O. Deparis, M. Noel, 1997, RADECS 97. Fourth European Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems (Cat. No.97TH8294).

F. Berghmans, M. Decréton, F. Vos, 1997, RADECS 97. Fourth European Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems (Cat. No.97TH8294).

M. Decreton, S. Coenen, J. De Geeter, 1997, ISIE '97 Proceeding of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics.

M. Blondel, M. Decreton, P. Megret, 1995, Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems.

M. Decreton, M. Decréton, M. Bouneder, 1988 .

M. Decréton, F. Gardiol, O. Parriaux, 1977 .

M. Decréton, O. Deparis, F. Vos, 1993, RADECS 93. Second European Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems (Cat. No.93TH0616-3).

C.-C. Seifert, R. E. Sharp, K. Lauridsen, 1996 .

S. Coenen, M. Decreton, M. Decréton, 1993 .

Alain Delchambre, Francis Berghmans, Patrice Megret, 2001, SPIE Optics East.

Francis Berghmans, Patrice Megret, Michel Blondel, 1999, Remote Sensing.

F. Berghmans, M. Decreton, B. Brichard, 1999, 1999 Fifth European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems. RADECS 99 (Cat. No.99TH8471).

F. Berghmans, M. Decreton, B. Brichard, 2001, OFC 2001. Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibit. Technical Digest Postconference Edition (IEEE Cat. 01CH37171).

Francis Berghmans, Marco Van Uffelen, Benoit Brichard, 1999, Remote Sensing.

F. Berghmans, M. Blondel, M. Decreton, 1999, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters.

L. Malerba, M. Decréton, E. Lucon, 2005 .

Marc C. Decreton, M. Decréton, Munikoti S. Ramachandraiah, 1975, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.

Otmar Koehn, Johannes Kirchhof, Henning Henschel, 1997, Other Conferences.

Alain Delchambre, Francis Berghmans, Marco Van Uffelen, 2002, SPIE Remote Sensing.

A. Delchambre, F. Berghmans, M. Blondel, 2002, 2002 15th Optical Fiber Sensors Conference Technical Digest. OFS 2002(Cat. No.02EX533).