M. Parent


B. Reich, M. Parent, 2009 .

K. Plangger, M. Parent, Anjali S. Bal, 2011 .

Philip Grant, M. Parent, Anjali S. Bal, 2012 .

K. Plangger, M. Parent, Colin L. Campbell, 2011, Journal of Advertising Research.

Sid L. Huff, Michael Parent, Paul B. Cragg, 1997, ECIS.

David R. Hannah, M. Parent, Felicity Yao Fu, 2022, Business Horizons.

L. Pitt, M. Parent, W. Halvorson, 2009 .

L. Pitt, M. Parent, W. Halvorson, 2009 .

James D. McKeen, Heather A. Smith, Michael Parent, 1997, ECIS.

Dianne Cyr, Michael Parent, Joe Ilsever, 2007 .

Michael Parent, Peter Tingling, Peter Tingling, 2002, J. Assoc. Inf. Syst..

Michael Parent, Peter Tingling, Peter Tingling, 2004, J. Strateg. Inf. Syst..

Michael Parent, R. Brent Gallupe, Wm. David Salisbury, 2000, Inf. Manag..

Michael Parent, Andrew C. Gemino, Nancy MacKay, 2004, Eur. J. Inf. Syst..

Dianne Cyr, C. Campbell, M. Parent, 2010 .

Michael Parent, Christine A. Vandebeek, Andrew C. Gemino, 2004, 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004. Proceedings of the.

L. Pitt, M. Parent, Stefanie Beninger, 2014 .

Leyland Pitt, Michael Parent, Pierre Berthon, 2009 .

David R. Hannah, P. Berthon, L. Pitt, 2014 .

Michael Parent, Michael R. Wade, M. Wade, 2002, J. Manag. Inf. Syst..

M. Parent, M. K. Brohman, M. Brohman, 2001, Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

C. Kalenkoski, M. Parent, E. Cardella, 2018, SSRN Electronic Journal.

Beverley G. Hope, James D. McKeen, Michael Parent, 1998, European Conference on Information Systems.

Arthur G. Money, Leyland F. Pitt, Michael Parent, 2011, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication.

P. Berthon, M. Parent, Sarah Lord Ferguson, 2021, Journal of Strategic Marketing.

L. Alberto Franco, Fran Ackermann, Michael Parent, 2005 .

Michael Parent, Mark E. Slama, M. Parent, 2015 .

Michael Parent, D. Alastair Robb, D. A. Robb, 2009, J. Glob. Inf. Manag..

Michael Parent, Michael R. Wade, Peter Tingling, 2003, Internet Res..

Derrick J. Neufeld, Michael Parent, R. Brent Gallupe, 2002, J. Comput. Inf. Syst..