Brett Scholz


Bridie Scott-Parker, Debra Rickwood, Amanda M. George, 2018, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour.

H. Rodgers, Brett Scholz, Brandon Burke, 2019, Internal medicine journal.

Brett Scholz, Alan Bevan, B. Scholz, 2021, Research Involvement and Engagement.

C. Platania‐Phung, Brett Scholz, B. Happell, 2019, Issues in mental health nursing.

C. Platania‐Phung, Brett Scholz, B. Happell, 2019, Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing.

C. Platania‐Phung, Brett Scholz, B. Happell, 2018, Issues in mental health nursing.

P. M. Brown, Brett Scholz, Josephine S. Larkings, 2019, Journal of mental health.

Brett Scholz, B. Happell, Sarah E Gordon, 2017, International journal of mental health nursing.

Brett Scholz, B. Happell, Julia Bocking, 2019, Health promotion international.

K. Griffiths, C. Platania‐Phung, Brett Scholz, 2016, International journal of mental health nursing.

V. Lu, Brett Scholz, D. Slade, 2020, Patient education and counseling.

Brett Scholz, B. Happell, Julia Bocking, 2017, Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association.

C. Platania‐Phung, Brett Scholz, R. Stanton, 2018, Journal of interprofessional care.

C. Platania‐Phung, Brett Scholz, B. Happell, 2018, International journal of mental health nursing.

C. Platania‐Phung, Brett Scholz, R. Stanton, 2018, Journal of mental health.

C. Platania‐Phung, Brett Scholz, R. Stanton, 2017, Health expectations : an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy.

C. Platania‐Phung, Brett Scholz, R. Stanton, 2016, Issues in mental health nursing.

E. Bjornsson, C. Platania‐Phung, Brett Scholz, 2018, International journal of mental health nursing.

E. Bjornsson, C. Platania‐Phung, Brett Scholz, 2019, International journal of mental health nursing.

Brett Scholz, I. Mitchell, K. Johnston, 2022, Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy.

E. Georgousopoulou, Brett Scholz, I. Mitchell, 2021, International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy.

Brett Scholz, M. Oxlad, A. LeCouteur, 2020, Qualitative health research.

Brett Scholz, B. Happell, B. Scholz, 2018, International journal of mental health nursing.

V. Lu, Brett Scholz, Sean Ford, 2015, Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association.

C. Platania‐Phung, A. Watkins, J. Curtis, 2023, Issues in mental health nursing.

E. Bjornsson, C. Platania‐Phung, Brett Scholz, 2019, Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing.

C. Platania‐Phung, Brett Scholz, B. Happell, 2019, Issues in mental health nursing.

Brett Scholz, B. Happell, C. Roper, 2019, Issues in mental health nursing.

Brett Scholz, B. Happell, Terri Warner, 2020 .

Brett Scholz, G. Gallego, Beatriz Cardona, 2023, Health promotion international.

Brett Scholz, G. Wittert, B. Scholz, 2017, Qualitative health research.

Brett Scholz, D. Talaulikar, B. Scholz, 2023, Cancer medicine.

E. Bjornsson, C. Platania‐Phung, Brett Scholz, 2021, Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing.

Brett Scholz, G. Wittert, S. Crabb, 2014, Qualitative health research.

Brett Scholz, I. Mitchell, J. Mears, 2021, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.

C. Ashton-James, Brett Scholz, A. G. McNeilage, 2023, The International journal on drug policy.

C. Platania‐Phung, Brett Scholz, B. Happell, 2018, Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing.

Brett Scholz, B. Happell, C. Roper, 2019, International journal of mental health nursing.

Brett Scholz, I. Mitchell, K. Ranse, 2021, Progress in Palliative Care.

Brett Scholz, R. Feo, K. Urry, 2023, Qualitative health research.

C. Platania‐Phung, Brett Scholz, B. Happell, 2019, Perspectives in psychiatric care.

E. Bjornsson, C. Platania‐Phung, Brett Scholz, 2019, Perspectives in psychiatric care.

C. Platania‐Phung, Brett Scholz, B. Happell, 2019, International journal of mental health nursing.