S. Raunser


Ruedi Aebersold, Stefan Raunser, Alexander Leitner, 2014, Nature.

Stefan Raunser, Dietmar J. Manstein, D. Manstein, 2016, Nature.

William Lehman, Stefan Raunser, Pawel A. Penczek, 2014, Nature.

Stefan Raunser, Felipe Merino, S. Raunser, 2020, bioRxiv.

T. Walz, S. Raunser, R. Hite, 2007, Current opinion in structural biology.

A. Valencia, F. Herzog, I. Vetter, 2014, eLife.

F. Herzog, A. Musacchio, H. Waldmann, 2017, The Journal of cell biology.

Yoshikazu Tanaka, S. Raunser, T. Matsui, 2019, IUCrJ.

P. Penczek, I. Vetter, S. Raunser, 2018, bioRxiv.

R. Benz, S. Raunser, C. Gatsogiannis, 2019, bioRxiv.

S. Sieber, S. Raunser, F. Merino, 2019, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology.

P. Penczek, T. Walz, S. Raunser, 2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

S. Raunser, C. Ungermann, Jieqiong Gao, 2017, Molecular biology of the cell.

S. Raunser, O. Sitsel, E. Schubert, 2019, Nature Communications.

S. Raunser, M. Farkašovský, Yan Nie, 2015, Biological chemistry.

S. Raunser, C. Bröcker, C. Ungermann, 2015, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

A. Wittinghofer, S. Raunser, Oliver Hofnagel, 2019, bioRxiv.

S. Raunser, C. Ungermann, C. Gatsogiannis, 2022, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

R. Benz, S. Raunser, C. Gatsogiannis, 2019, Science Advances.

S. Sieber, S. Raunser, F. Merino, 2019, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology.

R. Benz, S. Raunser, Oliver Hofnagel, 2019, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

P. Penczek, I. Vetter, S. Raunser, 2018, bioRxiv.

W. Kühlbrandt, S. Raunser, K. Vinothkumar, 2006, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

Stefan Raunser, Christos Gatsogiannis, Alfred Wittinghofer, 2020 .

R. Jahn, P. Walla, S. Raunser, 2018, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

M. Zerial, H. Urlaub, S. Raunser, 2021, bioRxiv.

H. Oschkinat, P. Bieling, B. Bardiaux, 2022, Nature Communications.

M. Wilmanns, S. Raunser, C. Jeffries, 2022, bioRxiv.

M. Zerial, H. Urlaub, S. Raunser, 2021, bioRxiv.

S. Raunser, P. Seeberger, F. Leidreiter, 2020, Nature Communications.

S. Raunser, I. Kursula, J. Vahokoski, 2017, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

I. Tanaka, W. Whitman, Yoshikazu Tanaka, 2017, Nature Communications.

N. Perrimon, S. Raunser, Ying Xu, 2022, Nature.

S. Raunser, P. Seeberger, F. Broecker, 2019, bioRxiv.

R. Wepf, G. Jensen, J. Hoogenboom, 2022, bioRxiv.

A. Wittinghofer, S. Raunser, Puneet Juneja, 2017, eLife.

W. Kühlbrandt, S. Raunser, Christoph Kalthoff, 2007, The EMBO journal.

Thorsten Wagner, Markus Stabrin, Stefan Raunser, 2019, Communications Biology.

S. Raunser, A. Brunschweiger, M. K. Škopić, 2019, Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Stefan Raunser, Pawel A. Penczek, Dietmar J. Manstein, 2012, Cell.

Stefan Raunser, Felipe Merino, Daniel Roderer, 2016, Nature Structural &Molecular Biology.

J. Markl, S. Raunser, Oliver Hofnagel, 2015, Structure.

M. Hayer‐Hartl, S. Raunser, F. Merino, 2018, Nature.

Stefan Raunser, Christos Gatsogiannis, Rouslan G. Efremov, 2014, Nature.

Stefan Raunser, Roland Benz, Christos Gatsogiannis, 2013, Nature.

S. Raunser, J. Ecken, R. Winter, 2014, Biophysical journal.

S. Raunser, Oliver Hofnagel, F. Merino, 2020, bioRxiv.

Mark M. Davis, K. Garcia, T. Walz, 2007, Science.

S. Raunser, T. Shaikh, F. Merino, 2019, Communications Biology.

S. Raunser, C. Bröcker, C. Ungermann, 2012, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

S. Raunser, C. Ungermann, Anne Kuhlee, 2015, FEBS letters.

J. Whitney, S. Raunser, J. Mougous, 2018, Nature Microbiology.

Marek Orzechowski, Stefan Fischer, S. Raunser, 2013, Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility.

Markus Stabrin, Stefan Raunser, Felipe Merino, 2017, Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE.

S. Raunser, C. Gatsogiannis, R. Wagner, 2021, Nature Communications.

Liwei Wang, Jin Kuk Yang, Hao Wu, 2010, Nature Structural &Molecular Biology.

M. Engelhard, R. Seidel, S. Raunser, 2011, Journal of molecular biology.

S. Raunser, F. Merino, S. Pospich, 2019, Seminars in cell & developmental biology.

Stefan Raunser, Christos Gatsogiannis, S. Raunser, 2015, Cell.

Thorsten Wagner, Sabrina Pospich, Markus Stabrin, 2020, Nature Communications.

Guozhi Tao, Stefan Raunser, Pawel A Penczek, 2012, Journal of structural biology.

S. Raunser, S. Pospich, 2018, Current opinion in structural biology.

P. Bieling, S. Raunser, F. Merino, 2018, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology.

S. Raunser, D. Quentin, 2018, Journal of Molecular Medicine.

H. H. Park, Hao Wu, J. Tschopp, 2022 .

H. Steinhoff, M. Engelhard, D. Fotiadis, 2017, Photochemistry and photobiology.

S. Raunser, P. Seeberger, F. Leidreiter, 2020, Nature Communications.

Stefan Raunser, Sebastian Tacke, Sven Klumpe, 2020, bioRxiv.

J. Whitney, S. Raunser, J. Mougous, 2018, Nature Microbiology.

S. Raunser, F. Merino, 2016, eLife.

S. Raunser, R. Winter, Melanie Berghaus, 2015, Angewandte Chemie.

S. Raunser, M. Farkašovský, E. Kutejova, 2018, Biologia.

Stefan Raunser, Felipe Merino, Amir Apelbaum, 2018, bioRxiv.

Hans-Dieter Arndt, Johanna Funk, Sabrina Pospich, 2018, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology.

S. Raunser, A. Belyy, W. Oosterheert, 2022, bioRxiv.

S. Raunser, Oliver Hofnagel, O. Gutbrod, 2021, Nature Communications.

J. Whitney, S. Raunser, Patrick Günther, 2021, bioRxiv.

S. Raunser, S. Hobe, H. Paulsen, 2006, Journal of Biological Chemistry.

A. Wittinghofer, S. Raunser, C. Gatsogiannis, 2020, eLife.

B. Saccà, M. Ehrmann, M. Kaiser, 2015, Nature chemical biology.

Philipp S. Erdmann, J. Plitzko, S. Raunser, 2021, Journal of structural biology.

M. Zerial, H. Urlaub, S. Raunser, 2023, Molecular cell.

S. Raunser, S. Pospich, 2017, Science.

S. Raunser, J. Piehler, Oliver Birkholz, 2021, The Journal of biological chemistry.

S. Raunser, T. Shaikh, M. Stabrin, 2022, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences.

Stefan Raunser, Thorsten Wagner, S. Raunser, 2020, Communications Biology.

D. Manstein, S. Raunser, E. Behrmann, 2013, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

L. Purushothaman, S. Raunser, H. Arlt, 2017, Molecular biology of the cell.

Stefan Raunser, Christof M Niemeyer, Christos Gatsogiannis, 2014, Small.

S. Raunser, A. Belyy, W. Oosterheert, 2022, Nature.

Stefan Raunser, Dennis Quentin, S. Raunser, 2018, Journal of Molecular Medicine.

S. Raunser, F. Merino, C. Gatsogiannis, 2018, bioRxiv.

S. Raunser, T. Wagner, 2022, Nature Reviews Methods Primers.

S. Moestrup, S. Raunser, C. Andersen, 2017, Antioxidants & redox signaling.

R. Aebersold, A. Leitner, R. Efremov, 2014, Nature.

S. Raunser, Sebastian Tacke, M. Grange, 2021, Microscopy and Microanalysis.

S. Raunser, Oleg Sitsel, 2019, Nature Chemistry.

S. Raunser, Zhexin Wang, 2023, Annual review of biochemistry.

W. Kühlbrandt, S. Raunser, C. Franke, 2006, Biophysical journal.

S. Raunser, R. Kühnemuth, Daniel Prumbaum, 2024, bioRxiv.

S. Raunser, F. Merino, D. Balchin, 2018, Nature.

S. Raunser, W. Oosterheert, B. Klink, 2022, bioRxiv.

S. Raunser, Davide Tamborrini, M. Grange, 2023, Nature.

P. Bieling, S. Raunser, W. Oosterheert, 2024, Science.

P. Penczek, E. Egelman, D. Stokes, 2012, Journal of structural biology.