L. Selleri


Shane J. Neph, Dmitri D. Pervouchine, Matthew D. Rasmussen, 2014, Nature.

K. Stankunas, N. Copeland, N. Jenkins, 2008, Circulation research.

M. Cleary, L. Selleri, N. Mercader, 2009, The International journal of developmental biology.

T. Capellini, L. Selleri, A. Brendolan, 2006, Gene expression patterns : GEP.

L. Selleri, M. Rosado, R. Carsetti, 2007, BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology.

S. Ferrari, G. Torelli, L. Selleri, 1989, Cancer genetics and cytogenetics.

M. Cleary, L. Selleri, S. Arata, 2004, The American journal of pathology.

T. Capellini, L. Selleri, A. Koff, 2006 .

L. Selleri, E. Ferretti, S. Ducret, 2011, Developmental cell.

Pei Han, Wei Li, Ching Shang, 2014, Genesis.

J. Casanova, D. Elliott, T. Capellini, 2012, Developmental cell.

R. Maas, S. Rowan, Yingzi Yue, 2006, Developmental biology.

Kenneth L. Jones, B. Hallgrímsson, C. Kesselman, 2020, Development.

G. Evans, L. Augenlicht, L. Selleri, 1997, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

L. Selleri, E. Ferretti, J. Spector, 2017, Plastic and reconstructive surgery.

S. Ferrari, L. Moretti, G. Torelli, 1985, Molecular and cellular biology.

B. Calabretta, B. Lange, L. Selleri, 1988, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Carl Kesselman, James F. Brinkley, Axel Visel, 2016, Development.

A. Hagemeijer, P. Martiat, M. von Lindern, 1992, Leukemia.

T. Capellini, L. Selleri, M. Young, 2019, Current topics in developmental biology.

Fidencio J. Neri, E. Eichler, R. Sandstrom, 2014, Science.

G. Barsh, Lin He, L. Stubbs, 2016, PLoS genetics.

L. Selleri, C. Moens, 2006, Developmental biology.

Katherine C. Hall, C. Blobel, A. Boskey, 2013, Molecular and Cellular Biology.

G. Bejerano, J. Sharpe, A. Wenger, 2011, Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists.

Kevin S. Smith, T. Capellini, M. Cleary, 2004, Molecular and Cellular Biology.

R. Warnke, M. Cleary, L. Selleri, 2001, Mechanisms of Development.

T. Capellini, L. Selleri, V. Zappavigna, 2011, Developmental dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists.

I. Weissman, M. Cleary, L. Herzenberg, 2007, Blood.

I. Weissman, M. Cleary, L. Herzenberg, 2007 .

L. Selleri, M. Mittelbronn, A. Hau, 2016, Development.

I. Shih, Tian-Li Wang, L. Selleri, 2016, Cancer research.

Axel Visel, John L.R. Rubenstein, Alex Nord, 2015, Neuron.

M. Cleary, L. Selleri, C. Schnabel, 2003, Genesis.

N. Chesler, D. Mcculley, L. Selleri, 2017, The Journal of clinical investigation.

A. Fischer, J. Casanova, C. Picard, 2018, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

G. Evans, L. Selleri, J. Eubanks, 1991, Genetic analysis, techniques and applications.

G. Evans, M. Giovannini, B. Emanuel, 1992, The Journal of clinical investigation.

L. Selleri, F. Rijli, 2023, Nature Reviews Genetics.

G. Evans, K. Lewis, L. Selleri, 1991, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

G. Torelli, L. Selleri, A. Tabilio, 1987, International Journal of Cancer.

S. Sacchi, L. Selleri, P. Zucchini, 1987, British Journal of Haematology.

Fidencio J. Neri, E. Eichler, R. Sandstrom, 2014, Science.

Mukul S. Bansal, Shane J. Neph, Dmitri D. Pervouchine, 2014, Nature.

K. Stankunas, N. Copeland, N. Jenkins, 2008, Circulation research.

S. Sacchi, G. Torelli, L. Selleri, 1984, British journal of haematology.

Pei Han, Ching Shang, Chieh-Yu Lin, 2014, Genesis.