K. Drescher


V. Sourjik, R. Colin, K. Drescher, 2019, Nature Communications.

J. Dunkel, K. Drescher, Boya Song, 2018, Nature Physics.

H. Stone, B. Bassler, K. Drescher, 2013, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

V. Bucci, C. Nadell, K. Drescher, 2016, The ISME Journal.

J. Dunkel, K. Drescher, R. Goldstein, 2011, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

H. Stone, N. Wingreen, B. Bassler, 2015, Cell.

B. Bassler, V. Bucci, J. Xavier, 2013, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.

H. H. Wensink, J. Dunkel, H. Löwen, 2012, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Nicola R. Stanley-Wall, R. Kümmerli, K. Drescher, 2017, Current Biology.

Nicola R. Stanley-Wall, R. Kümmerli, K. Drescher, 2017, bioRxiv.

H. Stone, N. Wingreen, B. Bassler, 2013, Current Biology.

K. Drescher, M. Polin, I. Tuval, 2010, Physical review letters.

Jonathan Rossiter, Sina Sareh, Raymond E. Goldstein, 2013, Journal of The Royal Society Interface.

Raimo Hartmann, Lucia Vidakovic, Knut Drescher, 2017, Nature Microbiology.

V. Sourjik, R. Colin, K. Drescher, 2018, Nature Communications.

Dominic J. Skinner, J. Dunkel, J. Oishi, 2019, Physical review letters.

K. Drescher, Daniel Schäfer, R. Hartmann, 2019, mSystems.

D. Newman, K. Drescher, J. Teschler, 2020, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

K. Drescher, K. Papenfort, M. Bramkamp, 2020, Nature Communications.

J. Dunkel, K. Drescher, R. Goldstein, 2011, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Adam C. Martin, Dominic J. Skinner, J. Dunkel, 2022, 2209.00703.

K. Drescher, Z. Xiang, Yuan Liu, 2022, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

T. Ishikawa, T. Pedley, K. Drescher, 2020, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

J. Dunkel, K. Drescher, R. Goldstein, 2011 .

Adam C. Martin, Dominic J. Skinner, J. Dunkel, 2022, Science advances.

C. Nadell, K. Drescher, R. Hartmann, 2016, ACS nano.

Knut Drescher, Ned S Wingreen, Bonnie L Bassler, 2015, The ISME Journal.

Knut Drescher, Carey D. Nadell, Kevin R. Foster, 2016, Nature Reviews Microbiology.

Knut Drescher, Albert Siryaporn, Bonnie L Bassler, 2013, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Dominic J. Skinner, J. Dunkel, J. Oishi, 2019, bioRxiv.

K. Drescher, Francisco Díaz-Pascual, L. Vidakovic, 2021, Biomedical optics express.

K. Drescher, H. Jeckel, 2020, FEMS microbiology reviews.

Bonnie L. Bassler, Jörn Dunkel, Knut Drescher, 2016, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Markus Bär, Jörn Dunkel, Knut Drescher, 2013, Physical review letters.

C. Nadell, Eric Jelli, V. Sourjik, 2021, Nature Microbiology.

C. Nadell, K. Drescher, R. Hartmann, 2017, Nature Microbiology.

On Shun Pak, Knut Drescher, Howard A Stone, 2014, New journal of physics.

Takuji Ishikawa, Knut Drescher, Idan Tuval, 2009, Physical review letters.

Hannah Jeckel, Raimo Hartmann, Lucia Vidakovic, 2017, Current Biology.

R. Michod, K. Drescher, R. Goldstein, 2011, Journal of The Royal Society Interface.

Raymond E. Goldstein, Knut Drescher, Idan Tuval, 2010, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Knut Drescher, Raymond E Goldstein, K. Drescher, 2009, The Review of scientific instruments.

K. Drescher, R. Goldstein, C. Solari, 2011, Journal of phycology.

Hannah Jeckel, Eric Jelli, Raimo Hartmann, 2019, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

J. Dunkel, N. Wingreen, O. Hallatschek, 2023, Nature Reviews Physics.

J. Dunkel, K. Drescher, Boya Song, 2018, Nature Physics.

C. Nadell, K. Drescher, J. Teschler, 2022, Annual review of microbiology.

Hannah Jeckel, Eric Jelli, Jörn Dunkel, 2020, Physical review letters.

Peter Jezzard, Knut Drescher, P. Jezzard, 2009, Magnetic resonance in medicine.

Raimo Hartmann, Knut Drescher, Juan A. Bonachela, 2018, bioRxiv.

K. Drescher, Praveen K. Singh, D. K. Rode, 2020, Biological chemistry.

K. Drescher, 2019, BIOspektrum.

Hannah Jeckel, Knut Drescher, Noémie Matthey, 2019, eLife.

K. Drescher, T. Tolker-Nielsen, U. Jenal, 2023, Nature Microbiology.

H. Stone, N. Wingreen, B. Bassler, 2015, Cell.

K. Foster, C. Nadell, K. Drescher, 2016, Nature Reviews Microbiology.

V. Cooper, K. Drescher, Lorrie Maccario, 2023, bioRxiv.

H. Stone, B. Bassler, K. Drescher, 2014, New journal of physics.