E. Baere


Gabriele Gillessen-Kaesbach, Ryuichiro Nakato, Katsuhiko Shirahige, 2012, Nature.

E. Bakker, C. Ruivenkamp, R. Hennekam, 2008, Human Genetics.

D. Tibboel, E. Baere, B. Eussen, 2014, European Journal of Human Genetics.

E. Baere, F. Coppieters, M. Hawlina, 2012, Documenta Ophthalmologica.

Kristin M. Scheible, U. Surti, P. Stankiewicz, 2016, Human Genetics.

E. Baere, M. Cools, H. Verdin, 2013 .

E. Baere, S. Walraedt, F. Coppieters, 2011 .

Z. Tümer, E. Baere, B. Wissinger, 2011, European Journal of Human Genetics.

E. Baere, D. Bogaert, F. Haerynck, 2017 .

J. Vandesompele, J. Hellemans, F. Pattyn, 2012, Genetics in Medicine.

E. Baere, Periasamy Sundaresan, G. Neethirajan, 2007, Journal of Genetics.

J. Casanova, C. Picard, C. Deswarte, 2018, Journal of clinical immunology.

T. M. Phan, C. Klaver, A. D. den Hollander, 2012, Ophthalmology.

C. Klaver, T. Strom, S. Nabuurs, 2009, American journal of human genetics.

S. Jacobson, A. D. den Hollander, E. Zrenner, 2011, Investigative ophthalmology & visual science.

R. Veitia, L. Messiaen, M. Fellous, 2002, Journal of medical genetics.

Mark T. Handley, I. Temple, P. Clouston, 2016, American journal of human genetics.

F. Speleman, A. De Paepe, L. Messiaen, 1998, Cytogenetic and Genome Research.

C. Klaver, N. Schalij-Delfos, G. Dagnelie, 2018, Investigative ophthalmology & visual science.

R. Veitia, L. Messiaen, M. Fellous, 2002, Journal of medical genetics.

J. Casanova, C. Picard, C. Deswarte, 2018, Journal of Clinical Immunology.