G. Thomas


Stefano Fumagalli, George Thomas, Hiroshi Shima, 1998, The EMBO journal.

M. Siegmann, R. Pearson, S. Ferrari, 1993, The Journal of biological chemistry.

G. Thomas, S. Kozma, A. Gentilella, 2015, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

Hong Wu, George Thomas, Ingo K. Mellinghoff, 2001, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

George Thomas, S. Volarevic, G. Thomas, 2017, Nature Reviews Cancer.

George Thomas, S. Woods, R. Seeley, 2006, Science.

J. Hofsteenge, S. Ferrari, G. Thomas, 1991, The Journal of biological chemistry.

P. Pandolfi, L. Salmena, J. Teruya-Feldstein, 2008, The Journal of clinical investigation.

L. Wan, G. Thomas, M. Farquhar, 2000, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

G. Thomas, I. Novak-Hofer, I. Novak‐Hofer, 1984, The Journal of biological chemistry.

R. Pearson, G. Thomas, Richard B. Pearson, 1995, Progress in cell cycle research.

G. Thomas, Nicholas Pullen, 1997, FEBS letters.

F. Nagy, F. Turck, G. Thomas, 1998, Molecular and Cellular Biology.

H. Schmid, G. Thomas, M. Joerger, 2005, Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases.

G. Thomas, S. Fumagalli, 2011, Seminars in hematology.

G. Thomas, S. Kozma, George Thomas, 1994, Seminars in cancer biology.

G. Thomas, H. Luther, L. Ballou, 1991, Nature.

S. Ferrari, G. Thomas, George Thomas, 1994, Critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology.

K. Klimpel, S. Leppla, G. Thomas, 1992, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

M. Siegmann, S. Ferrari, G. Thomas, 1990, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

G. Thomas, M. Hall, George Thomas, 1997, Current opinion in cell biology.

G. Thomas, A. Selvaraj, Adem Kalender, 2011, Cell Research.

G. Thomas, S. Kozma, T. Nobukuni, 2007, Current Opinion in Cell Biology.

G. Thomas, S. Morley, 1991, Pharmacology & therapeutics.

G. Thomas, I. Novak‐Hofer, 1985, The Journal of biological chemistry.

G. Thomas, C. Mercer, Teng Teng, 2013, Current opinion in genetics & development.

G. Thomas, S. Kozma, Jian-Kang Chen, 2009, American journal of physiology. Renal physiology.

E. Geissler, G. Thomas, H. Schlitt, 2008, American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons.

D. Sabatini, G. Thomas, M. Hall, 2004 .

G. Thomas, P. Dennis, 2002, Current Biology.

G. Thomas, S. Kozma, C. O. Berry, 1996, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

J. Schlessinger, J. Moscat, G. Thomas, 2000, EMBO reports.

G. Thomas, A. Gentilella, 2012, Nature.

G. Thomas, L. Ballou, A. Olivier, 1988, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

G. Thomas, B. Wiczer, 2010, Current opinion in drug discovery & development.

A. Gingras, N. Sonenberg, G. Thomas, 1996, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

G. Thomas, S. Kozma, C. Reinhard, 1994, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

G. Thomas, M. J. Stewart, George Thomas, 1994, BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology.

G. Thomas, A. Selvaraj, 2010, Cell metabolism.

R. Pearson, G. Thomas, S. Fumagalli, 1997, The EMBO journal.

G. Thomas, P. Jenö, L. Ballou, 1988, Advances in experimental medicine and biology.

H. Towbin, G. Thomas, K. Manchester, 1982, Current topics in cellular regulation.

M. Siegmann, G. Thomas, J. Gordon, 1979, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

G. Thomas, P. Dennis, 1997 .

S. Madala, G. Thomas, W. Hardie, 2016, American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology.

G. Thomas, S. Fumagalli, 2000 .

G. Thomas, 1992, Biochemical Society transactions.

G. Thomas, A. Dufner, George Thomas, 1999, Experimental cell research.

P. Brennan, D. Cantrell, G. Thomas, 2002, The Journal of Biological Chemistry.

S. Harbon, G. Thomas, H. Le Stunff, 1997, The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics.

G. Thomas, R. Thomas, Ranjeny Thomas, 1997, Journal of immunology.

M. Siegmann, G. Thomas, L. Ballou, 1988, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

E. Hafen, G. Thomas, S. Kozma, 1999, Science.

G. Thomas, B. Wiczer, Adem Kalender, 2010, Nature Cell Biology.

G. Thomas, A. Selvaraj, S. Dann, 2007, Trends in molecular medicine.

M. Siegmann, G. Thomas, P. Jenö, 1989, The Journal of biological chemistry.

J. Martín-Pérez, G. Thomas, 1983, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

F. Natt, S. Kim, J. Backer, 2005, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Robert V Farese, E. Ravussin, R. Eckel, 2011, Nature Methods.

F. Natt, G. Thomas, S. Kozma, 2008, Cell metabolism.

J. Maller, G. Thomas, P. Nielsen, 1982, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

G. Thomas, S. Fumagalli, P. Dennis, 1999, Current opinion in genetics & development.

G. Thomas, J. Krieg, A. Olivier, 1988, Methods in enzymology.

G. Thomas, H. B. Jefferies, Harold B. J. Jefferies, 1996 .

George Thomas, J. Hernández-Losa, S. Ambrosio, 2016, Molecular Cancer.

J. Manola, M. Loda, P. Kantoff, 2000, Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

E. Hafen, J. van der Kaay, C. Downes, 2002, Nature cell biology.

G. Thomas, S. Kozma, C. Reinhard, 1992, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

A. Montag, G. Thomas, C. Albigès-Rizo, 1992, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

B. Viollet, S. Kim, N. Bardeesy, 2010, Cell metabolism.

N. Sonenberg, G. Thomas, S. Kozma, 2010, Developmental cell.

George Thomas, G. Thomas, S. Kozma, 2002, BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology.

D. Steiner, R. Leduc, G. Thomas, 1991, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

E. Hafen, S. Breuer, G. Thomas, 2003, Nature Cell Biology.

G. Thomas, J. Montagne, M. Hemmings-Mieszczak, 2002, Genes & development.

M. Raff, G. Thomas, M. Hall, 2004 .

G. Thomas, S. Um, D. D’Alessio, 2006, Cell metabolism.

G. Thomas, S. Kozma, H. Thomas, 2016 .

G. Thomas, P. Gulati, Pawan Gulati, 2007, Biochemical Society transactions.

G. Thomas, S. Dann, 2006, FEBS letters.

M. Andjelkovic, B. Hemmings, G. Thomas, 1998, Science.

H. Lane, G. Thomas, N. Lamb, 1993, Nature.

M. Loda, J. Clohessy, P. Pandolfi, 2009, Science Signaling.

S. Thorgeirsson, P. Mischel, B. Aronow, 2012, Science Translational Medicine.

Janet M. Thornton, David Carling, Linda Partridge, 2009, Science.

P. Pfluger, M. Tschöp, D. Clegg, 2012, PLoS ONE.

G. Thomas, S. Kozma, A. Gentilella, 2017, Molecular cell.

H. Noller, G. Thomas, D. Bear, 1976, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

H. Noller, R. Atchison, G. Thomas, 1975, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

G. Thomas, H. Flotow, 1992, The Journal of biological chemistry.

G. Thomas, P. Jenö, G Thomas, 1988, The Journal of biological chemistry.

S. Volarevic, G. Thomas, George Thomas, 2001, Progress in nucleic acid research and molecular biology.

R. Pearson, G. Thomas, S. Kozma, 1997, Molecular and Cellular Biology.

A. Fernández, G. Thomas, C. Reinhard, 1994, The EMBO journal.

G. Thomas, H. B. Jefferies, Thomas, 1994, The Journal of biological chemistry.

J. Hofsteenge, G. Thomas, J. Krieg, 1988, The Journal of biological chemistry.

Jisoo Park, G. Thomas, S. Kwon, 2016, Cellular signalling.

G. Thomas, A. Selvaraj, 2010 .

R. Motzer, H. Lane, T. O'reilly, 2011, Expert opinion on drug discovery.

Nahum Sonenberg, Pier Paolo Pandolfi, George Thomas, 2004, Oncogene.

G. Thomas, P. Jenö, L. Ballou, 1988, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Jisoo Park, Hyunji Lee, G. Thomas, 2018, Cellular signalling.

B. Pulendran, N. Sonenberg, T. Alain, 2010, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

S. Ferrari, G. Thomas, 1991, Methods in enzymology.

L. Schaeffer, J. Tanti, D. Freyssenet, 2009, The Journal of cell biology.

S. Ferrari, G. Thomas, S. Morley, 1992, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

G. Thomas, S. Chacko, A. Rosenfeld, 1985 .

G. Thomas, B. Wiczer, 2012, Science Signaling.

A. Zorzano, S. Ramón y. Cajal, J. Hernández-Losa, 2018, Clinical Cancer Research.

D. Plas, G. Thomas, 2009, Current opinion in cell biology.

A. Jaeschke, G. Thomas, P. Dennis, 2004, Current topics in microbiology and immunology.

G. Thomas, S. Kozma, Jonathan A Stefely, 2018, Cell reports.

G. Thomas, P. Jenö, L. Ballou, 1987 .

M. Šuša, G. Thomas, 1990, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

G. Thomas, H. Flotow, A. Nosaka, 2009, International journal of peptide and protein research.

J. Hernández-Losa, S. Ambrosio, G. Thomas, 2016, Molecular Cancer.

M. Tschöp, G. Thomas, 2006, Nature Medicine.

G. Thomas, S. Kozma, Jonathan A Stefely, 2018, Cell reports.

P. Pandolfi, L. Salmena, J. Teruya-Feldstein, 2008, The Journal of clinical investigation.

G. Thomas, S. Kozma, A. Gentilella, 2015, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

M. Raff, G. Thomas, M. Hall, 2004 .

J. Martín-Pérez, G. Thomas, 1987, Methods in enzymology.

L. Schaeffer, J. Tanti, D. Freyssenet, 2009, The Journal of cell biology.

S. Thorgeirsson, P. Mischel, B. Aronow, 2012, Science Translational Medicine.