H. Loferer


C. Rock, H. Loferer, C. Schaab, 2004, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

H. Loferer, 2000, Molecular medicine today.

P. Herrlich, H. Grunicke, H. Loferer, 1990, Radiation and environmental biophysics.

B. Groner, H. Grunicke, H. Loferer, 1989, The Journal of biological chemistry.

H. Hennecke, H. Loferer, D. Ritz, 1994, Biochimica et biophysica acta.

Christoph Schaab, H. Loferer, C. Schaab, 2004, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.

S. Meier-Ewert, B. Seizinger, H. Loferer, 2000, Pharmacogenomics.

Manuel Peitsch, M. Peitsch, H. Loferer, 1998, Nature Biotechnology.

H. Hennecke, H. Loferer, Hauke Hennecke, 1994, Trends in biochemical sciences.

H. Grunicke, H. Loferer, W. Doppler, 1990, Advances in enzyme regulation.