M. Deidda


D. Rothenbacher, M. Tully, F. Kee, 2022, European journal of public health.

M. Deidda, E. McIntosh, R. Dundas, 2019, Social science & medicine.

M. Deidda, M. Liciardi, M. Tedde, 2015, Journal of wildlife diseases.

M. Tully, M. Giné-Garriga, M. Deidda, 2020, International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.

M. Pibiri, A. Columbano, M. Deidda, 2007, Apoptosis : an international journal on programmed cell death.

J. Klenk, M. Tully, M. Giné-Garriga, 2020, Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports.

Juan Gabriel Brida, Manuela Pulina, Manuela Deidda, 2012, Expert Syst. Appl..

D. Rothenbacher, M. Tully, J. Brønd, 2021, Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science.

D. Rothenbacher, B. Bunting, M. Tully, 2020, Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports.

Cristiano Codagnone, Francisco Lupiáñez-Villanueva, Ioannis Maghiros, 2014, Journal of Medical Systems.

M. Deidda, 2014, Journal of Family and Economic Issues.

M. Deidda, E. McIntosh, R. Dundas, 2019, Social science & medicine.