S. Sudarto


S. Sudarto, T. Setiawan, Z. Ahmad, 2022, Jurnal Respirasi.

S. Sudarto, Katherine Laurencia, 2021, Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics, Business, Social, and Humanities (ICEBSH 2021).

S. Sudarto, L. Hakim, E. Arisoesilaningsih, 2018, Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity.

S. Sudarto, A. N. Putra, Ananda Ginanthian Alpheratz Ridwan, 2021, Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management.

S. Sudarto, Rosmalah Rosmalah, 2019, Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Science and Technology in Elementary Education, ICSTEE 2019, 14 September, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

S. Sudarto, Megawati Barthos, 2022, Proceedings of the First Multidiscipline International Conference, MIC 2021, October 30 2021, Jakarta, Indonesia.

S. Sudarto, M. Mulyadi, Mujahidah Mujahidah, 2021, Journal of Educational Science and Technology (EST).

S. Sudarto, 2019, Indonesian Treasury Review Jurnal Perbendaharaan Keuangan Negara dan Kebijakan Publik.

S. Sudarto, Anggina Dwi Reswari, Ekaningtyas Widyastuti, 2018, JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT.

S. Sudarto, Nadrun Nadrun, A. Naniwarsih, 2020, Jurnal Kolaboratif Sains.

S. Sudarto, Iman Jaladri, Martinus Ginting, 2023, Contagion: Scientific Periodical Journal of Public Health and Coastal Health.