S. McClure


L. D. Edmonds, Allan H. Johnston, H. N. Becker, 2003 .

B. Vermeire, G. Dunham, H. Barnaby, 2007, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.

R. Pease, B. Rax, R. Ladbury, 2001, 2001 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop. NSREC 2001. Workshop Record. Held in conjunction with IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference (Cat. No.01TH8588).

M. D. Wiedeman, B. Rax, S. McClure, 2002, IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop.

R. Pease, S. McClure, D. Platteter, 2007, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.

L. D. Edmonds, Allan H. Johnston, S. S. McClure, 2002 .

Kelly W. Stanford, L. Edmonds, L. Scheick, 2018, 2018 IEEE Nuclear & Space Radiation Effects Conference (NSREC 2018).

Mohamed Elghefari, S. McClure, Steve McClure, 2008 .

Rebecca S. Blue, Jeffery C Chancellor, J. Vanderploeg, 2014, Aviation, space, and environmental medicine.

G. Tsiligiannis, L. Dilillo, A. Bosio, 2013, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.

G Allen, G Swift, P Adell, 2008, 2008 European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems.

R. Ladbury, S.S. McClure, J.L. Gorelick, 2009, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.

R. Pease, D. Alexander, S. Clark, 1997, RADECS 97. Fourth European Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems (Cat. No.97TH8294).