B. Gil


A. Leycuras, B. Gil, J. Leymarie, 1988 .

R. F. Karlicek, A. Vinattieri, M. Colocci, 1999 .

B. Damilano, B. Gil, B. Gil, 2015 .

D. Caliste, S. Pezzagna, J. Meijer, 2020, Nature Electronics.

J. Brault, S. Matta, M. Khalfioui, 2016 .

J. Massies, N. Grandjean, P. Lefebvre, 2001 .

B. Gil, O. Briot, R. Aulombard, 1996 .

G. Fugallo, B. Gil, R. Cuscó, 2020, Nanophotonics.

Sophie Bouchoule, Georg Rossbach, Nicolas Grandjean, 2011 .

T. Bretagnon, P. Valvin, B. Gil, 2011, 1106.0183.

P. Valvin, B. Gil, G. Cassabois, 2022, Crystals.

A. Dréau, P. Valvin, B. Gil, 2019, 2019 Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW).

B. Gil, S. Rushworth, M. Heuken, 2009 .

B. Gil, S. Ruffenach, O. Briot, 2004 .

B. Gil, S. Rushworth, M. Heuken, 2009 .

B. Gil, S. Ruffenach, O. Briot, 2005 .

J. Massies, N. Grandjean, B. Damilano, 2007 .

J. Brault, S. Matta, J. Massies, 2018, Journal of Crystal Growth.

J. Sallese, B. Gil, R. Tomašiūnas, 1996 .

J. Brault, S. Matta, M. Khalfioui, 2020, Crystals.

B. Gil, W. Desrat, M. Moret, 2022, Physical Review Materials.

A. Kavokin, J. Massies, N. Grandjean, 2002 .

D. Felbacq, S. Chichibu, B. Gil, 2012 .

B. Gil, L. Konczewicz, P. Christol, 1997 .

B. Gil, Nikolai Zhigadlo, G. Cassabois, 2019, Superlattices and Microstructures.

B. Gil, V. Davydov, A. Tiberj, 2019, Nature Communications.

P. Valvin, B. Gil, G. Cassabois, 2015, Nature Photonics.

P. Valvin, B. Gil, L. Artús, 2018, Nature materials.

V. V. Nikolaev, Alexey Kavokin, Bernard Gil, 2004 .

B. Gil, M. Kuball, D. Dunstan, 2004 .

B. Gil, J. Jancu, D. Bertho, 1993 .

Shuji Nakamura, Bernard Gil, Javier Campo, 1998 .

J. Bergman, B. Gil, J. Leymarie, 2011, 1104.2749.

B. Gil, O. Briot, F. Demangeot, 2003 .

Bernard Gil, Olivier Briot, François Demangeot, 1996 .

B. Gil, D. Basov, I. Aharonovich, 2019, Nature Reviews Materials.

Bernard Gil, Olivier Briot, Pierre Bigenwald, 2008 .

P. Lefebvre, T. Bretagnon, P. Valvin, 2003 .

C. T. Foxon, A. Summerfield, P. Valvin, 2019, Nature Communications.

P. Lefebvre, B. Gil, T. Fukunaga, 1988 .

Mathieu Leroux, Benjamin Damilano, Jean Massies, 2014, Photonics West - Optoelectronic Materials and Devices.

A. Ouerghi, C. Voisin, P. Valvin, 2016, Physical review letters.

J. Massies, N. Grandjean, B. Gil, 1999 .

P. Valvin, B. Gil, G. Cassabois, 2016 .

C. Robert, Kenji Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, 2021, Nano letters.

M. Remškar, B. Gil, V. Davydov, 2018, Annalen der Physik.

Bernard Gil, Mathieu Leroux, Jean-Yves Duboz, 2021, OPTO.

Bernard Gil, Olivier Briot, Matthieu Moret, 2009 .

J. Massies, S. Vézian, B. Damilano, 2018, Scientific Reports.

Sebastian Metzner, Hadis Morkoç, Ümit Özgür, 2015 .

C. T. Foxon, P. Lefebvre, T. Taliercio, 2001 .

J. Brault, S. Matta, M. Khalfioui, 2016 .

Alexey Kavokin, Bernard Gil, Benjamin Damilano, 2013 .

F. Demangeot, Bernard Gil, Olivier Briot, 1996 .

A. Kavokin, D. Coquillat, B. Gil, 2004, Physical review letters.

A. N. Smirnov, A. Seabaugh, S. Fathipour, 2018, 1807.01553.

A. Kavokin, B. Gil, G. Malpuech, 2003 .

T. Elsaesser, G. Fugallo, M. Lazzeri, 2022, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics.

T. Elsaesser, G. Fugallo, M. Lazzeri, 2021, Physical Review B.

Hadis Morkoç, Ümit Özgür, Natalia Izyumskaya, 2015, Photonics West - Optoelectronic Materials and Devices.

V. Avrutin, Ü. Özgür, Daniel Rosales, 2014, Photonics West - Optoelectronic Materials and Devices.

H. Amano, B. Gil, O. Briot, 2011 .

Ferdinand Scholz, Bernard Gil, Olivier Briot, 1997 .

S. Nakamura, B. Gil, A. Alemu, 1999 .

H. Morkoç, P. Lugli, R. Cingolani, 2000 .

A. Ouerghi, J. Chaste, B. Gil, 2023, Nanoscale advances.

B. Gil, M. Kuball, D. Dunstan, 2004 .

C. T. Foxon, A. Summerfield, P. Valvin, 2019, Nature Communications.

Nicolas Barreau, Bernard Gil, Olivier Briot, 2015, Photonics West - Optoelectronic Materials and Devices.