Young-Jin Kim


Young-Jin Kim, C. Chung, S. Jeon, 2007 .

D. Macayeal, A. Bliss, Young-Jin Kim, 2008, Journal of Glaciology.

Cheol-Soo Park, Young-Jin Kim, Cheol-Soo Park, 2017 .

Paik Chun Hyun, Young-Jin Kim, Chung YongJoo, 2017 .

Cheol-Soo Park, Young-Jin Kim, Cheol-Soo Park, 2009 .

Young-Jin Kim, Gee-Nam Lee, Dong-Hyawn Kim, 2019, Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology.

Jaeboong Choi, Young-Jin Kim, Seokjin Kwon, 2007 .

Young-Jin Kim, Y. Yoon, Jin-Seok Choi, 2020, Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation.

Young-Jin Kim, Cheol-Soo Park, Cheol-Soo Park, 2014 .

Oh Joon Kwon, Young-Jin Kim, Dong Ok Yu, 2018, Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences.

G. P. Yeh, Ji Eun Kim, D. Whiteson, 2018, Physical Review D.

Alice M. Agogino, Young-Jin Kim, William H. Wood, 1992 .

Inhan Kim, Ki Uhn Ahn, Young-Jin Kim, 2012 .

L. Norford, Young-Jin Kim, 2016, 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM).

Ji Hoon Park, Se-Won Park, Young-Jin Kim, 2021, Catalysts.

Young-Jin Kim, I. Nam, B. Cho, 2014 .

Hong-Jip Kim, Young-Jin Kim, H. Kwon, 2010 .

Young-Jin Kim, James L. Kirtley, Leslie K. Norford, 2015, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.

João P. S. Catalão, Ye-Eun Jang, Young-Jin Kim, 2021, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.

Young-Jin Kim, Y. Chung, Sun-Ha Kim, 2007 .

Young-Jin Kim, Cheol-Soo Park, Won-Jun Suh, 2011 .

Young-Jin Kim, Leslie K. Norford, Gerard Del-Rosario-Calaf, 2017, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.

Young-Jin Kim, Y. Kim, Sang-ji Kim, 1999 .

Dai-Sung Shim, Dongmin Im, Mantae Kim, 2016 .

Leslie K. Norford, Young-Jin Kim, Elena Fuentes, 2016, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.

Young-Jin Kim, Do-Hoon Kwon, Young-Jin Kim, 2020, IEEE Access.

Young-Jin Kim, Young-Jin Kim, 2018, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.

Young-Jin Kim, S. Jeon, W. Chin, 2018, International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials.

James L. Kirtley, Young-Jin Kim, Leslie K. Norford, 2017, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.

Won-Jong Chin, Jong-Won Kwark, Young-Jin Kim, 2003 .

Gi-Hong Im, Young-Jin Kim, G. Im, 2012, IEEE Communications Letters.

Tae-Hoon Kim, Young-Jin Kim, Hyun Mock Shin, 2014 .

Jonghyun Park, Youngjin Kim, Young-Jin Kim, 2019, IEEE Access.

Yoon-Suk Chang, Jae-Boong Choi, Chang-Sung Seok, 2005 .

Won-Seok Kim, Young-Jin Kim, Young-Jin Kim, 2002 .

Dong-Hwan Kim, Young-Jin Kim, Choong-Hyuk Yim, 2012 .

Deuk-Woo Kim, Ki Uhn Ahn, Cheol-Soo Park, 2016 .

Gi-Hong Im, Young-Jin Kim, Yong-Sang Cho, 2013, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.

Hyun-Kyu Jun, Yoon-Suk Chang, Jae-Boong Choi, 2011 .

Young-Jin Kim, Marina Thottan, Wonsuck Lee, 2010, IEEE Communications Magazine.

M. Thottan, Young-Jin Kim, V. Kolesnikov, 2010, IEEE Communications Magazine.

Youn Won Park, Yoon-Suk Chang, Young-Jin Kim, 2005 .

Jaeboong Choi, Yoon-Suk Chang, Young-Jin Kim, 2005 .

G. Im, Young-Jin Kim, Chan-Ho Choi, 2011, IEEE Transactions on Communications.

Gi-Hong Im, Young-Jin Kim, Jae Cheol Park, 2012, IEEE Communications Magazine.