P. Kalus


Dietrich Lehmann, Andreas J. Fallgatter, Jiri Wackermann, 2005, Journal of Neural Transmission.

Thomas Dierks, Claus Kiefer, Gerhard Schroth, 2004, Neuroreport.

W. Strik, A. Federspiel, G. Schroth, 2005, Neuroscience Letters.

Frank Seifert, Eva Meisenzahl, Jürgen Gallinat, 2006, The European journal of neuroscience.

G. Winterer, J. Gallinat, M. Bajbouj, 2006, Psychopharmacology.

L. Jacobsen, J. Gallinat, M. Bajbouj, 2007, Journal of clinical psychopharmacology.

P. Kalus, D. Senitz, H. Beckmann, 2005, Journal of Neural Transmission.

K. Jellinger, L. Iversen, K. Lesch, 1995, Journal of Neural Transmission / General Section JNT.

H. Braak, E. Braak, P. Kalus, 2004, Acta Neuropathologica.

N. Andreasen, G. Juckel, A. Heinz, 2010, Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience : JPN.

Jürgen Gallinat, Thomas Sander, Thomas Götz, 2007, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.

D. Kunz, R. Hellweg, K. Kühl, 2008, Neurobiology of Aging.

Jürgen Gallinat, Undine E. Lang, Malek Bajbouj, 2005, Psychopharmacology.

P. Kalus, D. Senitz, M. Lauer, 1999, Journal of Neural Transmission.

Jürgen Gallinat, Florian Schubert, Catrin Wernicke, 2005, NeuroImage.

W. Strik, P. Kalus, T. Müller, 2001, The world journal of biological psychiatry : the official journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry.