R. Pik


Worash Getaneh, R. Pik, D. Ayalew, 2021, Bulletin of Volcanology.

N. Bellahsen, R. Pik, D. Ayalew, 2019, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.

N. Bellahsen, R. Pik, C. Rosenberg, 2021, Tectonophysics.

F. Robert, R. Pik, F. Moynier, 2019, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

R. Pik, D. Ayalew, G. Yirgu, 2019, Journal of African Earth Sciences.

F. Poitrasson, R. Pik, P. Parseval, 2017 .

R. Pik, F. Gauthier-Lafaye, M. Cuney, 2008 .

L. Jolivet, N. Bellahsen, C. Faccenna, 2018, Earth-Science Reviews.

N. Bellahsen, R. Pik, D. Stockli, 2020, Journal of the Geological Society.

L. Jolivet, R. Pik, J. Vergés, 2022, BSGF - Earth Sciences Bulletin.

R. Pik, F. Moynier, P. Sossi, 2023, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

D. Bourlès, R. Pik, J. Lavé, 2008 .

R. Pik, K. Khanbari, S. Leroy, 2012, Arabian Journal of Geosciences.

B. Marty, R. Pik, Y. Géraud, 2023, Chemical Geology.