Y. Laoonual


S. Hirai, Y. Laoonual, Peammawat Chanthevee, 2018, 2018 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific).

Y. Laoonual, P. V. Chombo, P. Chombo, 2020 .

Y. Laoonual, P. V. Chombo, 2022, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries.

S. Wongwises, Y. Laoonual, Pius Victor Chombo, 2021, Energies.

R. Jensrakoo, S. Wongsa, D. Koolpiruck, 2014, 2014 11th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON).

Prathan Srichai, Ronnachart Munsin, Y. Laoonual, 2022, Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering.

John S. Shrimpton, Yossapong Laoonual, J. Shrimpton, 2006 .

Y. Laoonual, P. V. Chombo, 2020, 2020 International Conference and Utility Exhibition on Energy, Environment and Climate Change (ICUE).