M. Medale


Mickael Pailha, Julien Chauchat, Pascale Aussillous, 2013, Journal of Fluid Mechanics.

M. Medale, P. Guillemant, 2019, Annals of Physics.

Sanjeev Kumar, M. Medale, P. D. Marco, 2020, NPJ microgravity.

Y. Delannoy, M. Medale, G. Laschet, 1998 .

M Medale, M. Jaeger, M. Medale, 1999, Biophysical journal.

M. Medale, P. Guillemant, C. Abid, 2013 .

É. Guazzelli, M. Medale, J. Chauchat, 2010 .

M. Medale, D. Brutin, S. Semenov, 2015 .

Marc Medale, Jean-Michel Bergheau, P. Gilles, 2012 .

Richard Nicollas, Lionel Meister, Eric Moreddu, 2019, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing.

J. Triglia, M. Medale, R. Nicollas, 2019, European annals of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck diseases.

M. Medale, S. Gounand, Christopher Nahed, 2022, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.

M. Medale, R. Nicollas, L. Meister, 2022, Pediatric pulmonology.

Marc Medale, Mickael Pailha, Julien Chauchat, 2011 .

Sanjeev Kumar, M. Medale, D. Brutin, 2022, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer.

Sanjeev Kumar, M. Medale, P. D. Marco, 2020, npj Microgravity.

Marc Medale, Charline Xhaard, Remy Fabbro, 2007 .

Marc Medale, Julien Chauchat, M. Medale, 2014, J. Comput. Phys..

Marc Medale, Marc Jaeger, M. Jaeger, 1998 .

É. Guazzelli, M. Medale, J. Chauchat, 2010 .

É. Guazzelli, M. Medale, P. Aussillous, 2009 .

Marc Medale, Antoine Giovanni, Richard Nicollas, 2012, The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngology.