S. Ball


Anantha Shekhar, A. Shekhar, S. Ball, 2002, Journal of psychiatric research.

A. Shekhar, S. Ball, Susan Ball, 1997, The American journal of psychiatry.

J. Erickson, T. Luger, M. Ohtsuki, 2016, The New England journal of medicine.

S. Ball, S. Prasad, A. Allen, 2007, Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health.

S. Ball, P. Lio, J. Thyssen, 2021, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV.

K. Papp, S. Ball, C. Griffiths, 2016, The Lancet.

S. Ball, A. Bax, 2002, Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges.

A. Shekhar, S. Ball, A. Goddard, 2002, Journal of postgraduate medicine.

J. Russell, S. Iyengar, S. Ball, 2007, International journal of clinical practice.

Charles R. Yang, J. Russell, A. Shekhar, 2010, Depression and anxiety.

S. Ball, L. Puig, C. Leonardi, 2018, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

M. Ohtsuki, M. Gooderham, S. Ball, 2018, Journal of drugs in dermatology : JDD.

M. Otto, S. Ball, 1994, Psychotherapy and psychosomatics.

James Russell, J. Erickson, E. Dunayevich, 2007, International clinical psychopharmacology.

M. Thase, D. Kajdasz, S. Ball, 2008, International clinical psychopharmacology.

J. Wernicke, S. Ball, D. Dunn, 2007, Developmental medicine and child neurology.

J. Russell, S. Kornstein, S. Ball, 2009, Expert review of neurotherapeutics.

M. Lebwohl, C. Griffiths, E. Edson-Heredia, 2017, The British journal of dermatology.

A. Shekhar, S. Ball, K. Walsh, 1997, The Journal of nervous and mental disease.

M. Fava, M. Pollack, M. Otto, 1996, Journal of affective disorders.

R. Tamura, J. Biederman, T. Spencer, 2008, Journal of attention disorders.

J. Silverberg, J. Thyssen, S. Ball, 2020, Journal of drugs in dermatology : JDD.

J. Rosenbaum, M. Pollack, M. Otto, 1995, Cognitive Therapy and Research.

S. Ball, S. Tauscher‐Wisniewski, C. Beasley, 2007, Journal of clinical psychopharmacology.

J. Ko, J. Shapiro, M. Senna, 2022, The Journal of investigative dermatology.

J. Rosenbaum, M. Pollack, M. Otto, 1994, Journal of consulting and clinical psychology.

J. Erickson, E. Dunayevich, M. Detke, 2007, Primary care companion to the Journal of clinical psychiatry.

T. Spencer, P. Trzepacz, M. Witte, 2009, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

S. Ball, S. Prasad, A. Allen, 2007, Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health.

L. Marangell, J. Russell, S. Ball, 2013, Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry.

A. Shekhar, S. Ball, A. Goddard, 2002 .

P. Llorca, J. Russell, C. Allgulander, 2011, Human psychopharmacology.