C. Borg


Cyril Bertheaux, R. Toscano, R. Fortunier, 2020, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

N. Bedoin, C. Borg, C. Thomas-Antérion, 2012, Journal of Neurolinguistics.

B. Laurent, C. Borg, C. Thomas-Antérion, 2010, Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section B, Aging, neuropsychology and cognition.

B. Laurent, H. Chainay, J. Dorey, 2020, European journal of pain.

H. Chainay, C. Borg, J. Getenet, 2018, Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders.

C. Borg, P. Hot, C. Thomas-Antérion, 2012, Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders.

H. Chainay, C. Borg, J. Getenet, 2022, Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD.

C. Borg, C. Moret-Tatay, M. Murphy, 2022, Frontiers in Psychology.

B. Laurent, G. Michael, C. Borg, 2018, Journal of pain research.

B. Laurent, A. Poujois, C. Borg, 2008, Behavioural neurology.

B. Laurent, C. Borg, J. Camdessanché, 2020, Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine.

B. Laurent, G. Michael, C. Borg, 2015, Brain and Cognition.

P. Couturier, C. Borg, P. Hot, 2014 .

Roland Peyron, Bernard Laurent, Nathalie Bedoin, 2013, Neurocase.

B. Laurent, N. Bedoin, G. Michael, 2012, Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology.

R. Peyron, G. Michael, C. Borg, 2010, Behavioural Brain Research.

N. Bedoin, C. Borg, C. Thomas-Antérion, 2009, Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine.

B. Laurent, P. Convers, C. Borg, 2008, Neurophysiologie Clinique/Clinical Neurophysiology.

Rosario Toscano, Cyril Bertheaux, Roland Fortunier, 2019, Food science & nutrition.

Cyril Bertheaux, Daniel Gamermann, Carmen Moret-Tatay, 2021, Entropy.

B. Laurent, C. Borg, C. Thomas-Antérion, 2014, Revue neurologique.

H. Chainay, C. Borg, Fanny Gaubert, 2023, Quarterly journal of experimental psychology.

R. Peyron, I. Faillenot, C. Borg, 2010, PAIN.

O. Koenig, P. Convers, C. Borg, 2014, Neurocase.

B. Laurent, C. Borg, C. Thomas-Antérion, 2006, Psychologie & neuropsychiatrie du vieillissement.

R. Peyron, I. Faillenot, C. Borg, 2010, PAIN.