N. Fleeman


N. Fleeman, P. Bradley, 2018, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.

N. Fleeman, R. Dickson, Nigel Fleeman, 2009, Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987).

N. Fleeman, P. Bradley, M. Panebianco, 2022, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.

Rumona Dickson, Eleanor Kotas, Kerry Dwan, 2016 .

G. Rücker, C. Niemeyer, N. Fleeman, 2014, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.

G. Rücker, G. Antes, C. Niemeyer, 2012, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.

G. Rücker, G. Antes, C. Niemeyer, 2010, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.

G. Rücker, G. Antes, C. Niemeyer, 2010, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.

N. Fleeman, P. Bradley, M. Panebianco, 2022, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.

Heather Adair-Rohani, D. Pope, N. Fleeman, 2022, Environmental Research Letters.

K. Dwan, G. Pilkington, N. Fleeman, 2014, Health technology assessment.

N. Fleeman, Y. Dundar, P. Shah, 2019, International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care.

N. Fleeman, Y. Dundar, C. Tudur Smith, 2010, Health technology assessment.

Katherine Payne, Fatiha H Shabaruddin, Nigel D Fleeman, 2015, Pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine.

C Proudlove, J Greenhalgh, R. Kolamunnage-Dona, 2010, Health technology assessment.

N. Fleeman, 1997, Alcohol and alcoholism.

R. Moots, P. Williamson, N. Fleeman, 2009, Health technology assessment.

G. Rücker, C. Niemeyer, N. Fleeman, 2014, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.

N. Fleeman, P. Bradley, B. Lindsay, 2015, The Cochrane database of systematic reviews.

N. Fleeman, A. Scott-Samuel, Nigel Fleeman, 2000, Journal of public health medicine.

N. Fleeman, Y. Dundar, A. Bagust, 2010, Health technology assessment.

Liz Payne, Su Golder, Carol Lefebvre, 2008, Journal of the Medical Library Association : JMLA.

N. Fleeman, A. Boland, Eleanor Kotas, 2020, Quality of Life Research.

A. Marson, S. Nevitt, N. Fleeman, 2023, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

A. Marson, S. Nevitt, N. Fleeman, 2023, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.