Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije


Tarciso A. Martins, Julio Saldana, Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, 2018, 2018 31st Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI).

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, João Navarro, 2002, IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst..

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, José Vieira, Elkim Roa, 2009, SBCCI.

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Elkim Roa, Juan Mateus, 2008, SBCCI '08.

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Hugo Hernandez, Lucas C. Severo, 2018, 2018 31st IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC).

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, João Navarro, A. J. Aragao, 2006, 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems.

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Augusto Ken Morita, Marcio Toma, 2001, RITA.

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Hugo Daniel Hernández, Marcelo Munhoz, 2015, 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS).

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, João Navarro, 1998, Proceedings of the 8th Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (Cat. No.98TB100222).

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Robson L. Moreno, Tales Cleber Pimenta, 2006, SBCCI '06.

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Angel M. Gómez Argüello, João Navarro, 2005, 2005 18th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design.

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Lucas C. Severo, 2019, IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap..

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, João Navarro, Fernando P. H. de Miranda, 2007, SBCCI '07.

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Elkim Roa, Jorge Johanny Sáenz Noval, 2010, SBCCI '10.

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Dionisio Carvalho, Nágila Ribeiro de Menezes, 2020, 2020 33rd Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI).

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Bruno Sanches, Alexandre de Jesus Aragão, 2020, 2020 13th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI).

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Hugo Daniel Hernández, Marcelo Munhoz, 2015, 2015 IEEE 6th Latin American Symposium on Circuits & Systems (LASCAS).

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Tiago Oliveira Weber, 2011, SBCCI '11.

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Luiz Carlos Moreira, J. W. Swart, 2011, 2011 18th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems.

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, João Navarro, 1998, Proceedings of the 8th Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (Cat. No.98TB100222).

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, João Navarro, Fernando P. H. de Miranda, 2004, Proceedings. SBCCI 2004. 17th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (IEEE Cat. No.04TH8784).

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, M. De Carvalho, Dionisio de Carvalho, 2018, 2018 IEEE 19th Latin-American Test Symposium (LATS).

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Lucas C. Severo, 2018, 2018 IEEE 9th Latin American Symposium on Circuits & Systems (LASCAS).

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Bruno Sanches, 2020, 2020 IEEE 11th Latin American Symposium on Circuits & Systems (LASCAS).

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Sergio Chaparro, Tiago Oliveira Weber, 2013, 2013 26th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI).

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Elkim Roa, João Navarro, 2003, 16th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design, 2003. SBCCI 2003. Proceedings..

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Hugo Hernandez, Daniele Santana, 2019, 2019 IEEE 10th Latin American Symposium on Circuits & Systems (LASCAS).

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Wilmar Carvajal Ossa, 2012, Int. J. Reconfigurable Comput..

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Bruno Sanches, Alexandre de Jesus Aragão, 2020, 2020 IEEE 11th Latin American Symposium on Circuits & Systems (LASCAS).

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Jonathan Scott, Hugo Daniel Hernández, 2012, 2012 25th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI).

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Elkim Roa, Sergio Chaparro, 2009, SBCCI.

Hector Gomez, Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Elkim Roa, 2016, 2016 IEEE 7th Latin American Symposium on Circuits & Systems (LASCAS).

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, João Navarro, Reinaldo Silveira, 1997, Proceedings Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI.

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Luiz Carlos Moreira, Armando Ayala Pabón, 2009, SBCCI.

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Dionisio Carvalho, Hugo Daniel Hernández, 2017, 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS).

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, João Navarro, Elkim Roa, 2007, SBCCI '07.

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Hugo Hernandez, David Reyes, 2020, 2020 IEEE 63rd International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS).

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Elkim Roa, Jorge Oliveros, 2008, SBCCI '08.

Wilhelmus A. M. Van Noije, Wilmar Carvajal Ossa, 2011, SBCCI '11.