C. Deutsch


J. Creswell, J. Gallo, T. Guetterman, 2018, International journal of multiple research approaches.

B. Rapkin, L. Green, A. Schulz, 2011, American journal of public health.

C. Deutsch, D. Nelson, D. Koch-Weser, 1988, The Journal of continuing education in the health professions.

C. Deutsch, J. Carifio, A. Orenstein, 1984, Journal of studies on alcohol.

M. Makoae, C. Deutsch, S. Swartz, 2012, SAHARA J : journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research Alliance.

Vicki L. Plano Clark, J. Creswell, V. L. Plano Clark, 2019, PloS one.

B. Rapkin, L. Green, A. Schulz, 2011, American journal of public health.

Caitlin N. Dorsey, Robert D. Lieberthal, Julie E. Reed, 2017, Implementation Science.