Åse Strandbu


Åse Strandbu, Kristin Fransson, P. M. Jørgensen, 2010 .

K. Stefansen, Åse Strandbu, G. M. Solstad, 2019, Sociology of Sport Journal.

Åse Strandbu, Ø. Seippel, Ørnulf Seippel, 2016 .

K. Stefansen, Åse Strandbu, Anders Bakken, 2019, Sport, Education and Society.

Åse Strandbu, M. A. Sletten, Anders Bakken, 2019, Sport, Outdoor Life and the Nordic World.

K. Stefansen, Ingrid Smette, Åse Strandbu, 2019 .

K. Stefansen, Åse Strandbu, Marlene Persson, 2020, Sport, Education and Society.

Åse Strandbu, Kristin Walseth, 2014 .

Åse Strandbu, S. Loland, Anette Skilbred, 2024, International Review for the Sociology of Sport.

Åse Strandbu, Derrick Charway, 2023, International Review for the Sociology of Sport.