T. Opitz


F. Guzzetti, F. Ardizzone, L. Lombardo, 2020 .

F. Guzzetti, F. Ardizzone, L. Lombardo, 2019, Earth-Science Reviews.

R. Huser, T. Opitz, E. Thibaud, 2018, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics.

Thomas Opitz, Sebastian Engelke, Jennifer Wadsworth, 2018, Extremes.

T. Opitz, Stéphane Loisel, Alexandre Mornet, 2015, Risk analysis : an official publication of the Society for Risk Analysis.

T. Opitz, Stéphane Loisel, B. Bailleul, 2017, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment.

Léo R. Belzile, P. Northrop, T. Opitz, 2022, Extremes.

T. Opitz, Stéphane Loisel, Alexandre Mornet, 2016 .

V. Chavez-Demoulin, T. Opitz, L. Mhalla, 2019, Extremes.

R. Huser, T. Opitz, M. Brunner, 2022, 2212.03028.

R. Huser, T. Opitz, J. Wadsworth, 2022, Extremes.

Raphael Huser, Thomas Opitz, Luigi Lombardo, 2017, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment.

Raphael Huser, Thomas Opitz, Haakon Bakka, 2020, The Annals of Applied Statistics.

Raphael Huser, Thomas Opitz, Jennifer L. Wadsworth, 2021, Extremes.

V. Chavez-Demoulin, T. Opitz, L. Mhalla, 2018, Extremes.

Thomas Opitz, Emeric Thibaud, T. Opitz, 2013, 1401.0168.

Jean-Luc Dupuy, Thomas Opitz, Jonathan Koh, 2021, The Annals of Applied Statistics.

T. Opitz, F. Wirsching, A. Schwienhorst, 1997, Gene.

W. Caselmann, T. Opitz, U. Mäder, 2009, Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Arzte des Offentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany)).

Dionisios T. Hristopulos, Thomas Opitz, Denis Allard, 2021, Electronic Journal of Statistics.

P. Tramini, N. Molinari, T. Opitz, 2013, 1304.3347.

Raphael Huser, Thomas Opitz, Rishikesh Yadav, 2019, Environmetrics.

J. Dupuy, E. Rigolot, J. Ruffault, 2021, Ecological applications : a publication of the Ecological Society of America.

Thorsten A. Kern, Gerhard Weber, Peter Lotz, 2014 .

G. Mariéthoz, D. Allard, T. Opitz, 2020, Spatial Statistics.

J. Ruffault, S. Caurla, P. Delacote, 2022, Earth's Future.

R. Huser, T. Opitz, P. Zhong, 2020, The Annals of Applied Statistics.

G. Toulemonde, T. Opitz, J. Carreau, 2019, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment.

Sandra Bringay, Thomas Opitz, Christian Lavergne, 2017, JMIR medical informatics.

Roland Werthschützky, Christian Hatzfeld, Mario Kupnik, 2017, 2017 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC).

Carlo Gaetan, Gwladys Toulemonde, Jean-Noël Bacro, 2020, Journal of the American Statistical Association.

T. Opitz, P. Zhong, Raphael Huser, 2021, Econometrics and Statistics.

T. Opitz, P. Klein, V. Schumpelick, 2001, Techniques in Coloproctology.

T. Opitz, P. Klein, R. Kasperk, 2000, International Journal of Colorectal Disease.

Roland Werthschützky, Thorsten Meiss, Tim Rossner, 2011, Microtechnologies.

C. Lavergne, T. Opitz, S. Bringay, 2017, JMIR medical informatics.