A. Amirbahman


J. Hejzlar, J. Kopáček, J. Borovec, 2005, Environmental science & technology.

S. Norton, A. Amirbahman, R. Couture, 2020, The Science of the total environment.

A. Amirbahman, I. Fernandez, 2012 .

A. Amirbahman, C. Arnold, J. S. Kahl, 2002, Environmental science & technology.

Aria Amirbahman, Ivan J. Fernandez, A. Amirbahman, 2006 .

A. Amirbahman, D. Kent, M. Marvin-DiPasquale, 2013, Environmental Science and Technology.

S. Norton, A. Amirbahman, T. Haines, 2007, Environmental monitoring and assessment.

S. Norton, A. Amirbahman, I. Fernandez, 2010, Environmental monitoring and assessment.

A. Amirbahman, V. Magar, G. Lotufo, 2013, Environmental science. Processes & impacts.

S. Norton, A. Amirbahman, B. Lake, 2007, The Science of the total environment.

J. Kopáček, S. Norton, A. Amirbahman, 2010, Environmental monitoring and assessment.

A. Amirbahman, J. MacRae, W. Davids, 2004, Water research.

J. Kopáček, S. Norton, A. Amirbahman, 2008, The Science of the total environment.

A. Lewis, T. Huntington, A. Amirbahman, 2016, Environmental pollution.

J. Kopáček, S. Norton, A. Amirbahman, 2009, Journal of environmental monitoring : JEM.

A. Amirbahman, J. MacRae, W. Davids, 2002, Water research.

Stephen H. Jones, M. Karagas, Xun Shi, 2012, Environmental research.

W. Fan, A. Amirbahman, H. Cho, 2014, Journal of hazardous materials.

A. Amirbahman, C. Tripp, Sudheera Yaparatne, 2018, Journal of hazardous materials.

A. Amirbahman, R. Behr, J. Peckenham, 2008, Waste management & research : the journal of the International Solid Wastes and Public Cleansing Association, ISWA.

Linda C. Bacon, S. Norton, A. Amirbahman, 2021, Limnology and Oceanography.

A. Amirbahman, K. Merritt, 2007, Environmental science & technology.

S. Norton, A. Amirbahman, M. Voytek, 2010 .

S. Norton, A. Amirbahman, B. Lake, 2008, The Science of the total environment.

S. Norton, A. Amirbahman, I. Fernandez, 2019, The Science of the total environment.

Linda C. Bacon, S. Norton, A. Amirbahman, 2021, Ecological applications : a publication of the Ecological Society of America.

J. Kopáček, S. Norton, A. Amirbahman, 2020, Environmental science & technology.

Linda C. Bacon, S. Norton, A. Amirbahman, 2020 .

L. Matthews, P. Kaufmann, S. Norton, 2023, Lake and reservoir management.

W. Fan, A. Amirbahman, H. Cho, 2014, Journal of hazardous materials.

S. Norton, A. Amirbahman, A. Calhoun, 2018, Biogeochemistry.

Md. Musfiqur Rahman, A. Amirbahman, M. Tajvidi, 2023, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering.

A. Amirbahman, V. Magar, G. Lotufo, 2013, Environmental science. Processes & impacts.