F. Gassmann


P. Mohnen, F. Gassmann, Cécile Cherrier, 2013 .

F. Gassmann, E. Schüring, 2012 .

F. Gassmann, F. V. Kesteren, Eszter Tímár, 2018 .

F. Gassmann, M. H. Ahmed, W. Tesfaye, 2022, Journal of Agricultural Economics.

P. Mohnen, F. Gassmann, Vincenzo Vinci, 2022, International Social Security Review.

T. Janz, F. Gassmann, B. Augsburg, 2023, World Development.

P. Mohnen, F. Gassmann, Patima Chongcharoentanawat, 2022, Journal of Development Effectiveness.

F. Gassmann, F. Mugumya, M. Kuss, 2021, The European Journal of Development Research.

M. Siegel, F. Gassmann, Jennifer Waidler, 2017, Journal of population ageing.

M. Siegel, F. Gassmann, Jennifer Waidler, 2012 .

F. Gassmann, K. Roelen, C. de Neubourg, 2009, Child indicators research.

F. Gassmann, M. Ahmed, Maha Ahmed, 2022 .

M. Siegel, F. Gassmann, Jennifer Waidler, 2017, Child indicators research.

F. Gassmann, K. Roelen, C. de Neubourg, 2009, Social indicators research.

F. Gassmann, K. Roelen, 2012 .

F. Gassmann, Jennifer Waidler, Bruno Martorano, 2021, The Journal of Development Studies.

W. Groot, F. Gassmann, C. Roethlisberger, 2022, Journal of Economic Surveys.

M. Siegel, F. Gassmann, Jennifer Waidler, 2013 .

F. Gassmann, C. O’Donoghue, Tareq Abuelhaj, 2018 .

F. Gassmann, Andrés Mideros, 2017, Journal of Development Effectiveness.

P. Mohnen, F. Gassmann, Vincenzo Vinci, 2016 .

F. Gassmann, A. Barrientos, D. Malerba, 2021, Journal of International Development.

M. Siegel, F. Gassmann, Jennifer Waidler, 2017, Child Indicators Research.

F. Gassmann, A. Barrientos, S. Dietrich, 2017 .

P. Mohnen, F. Gassmann, Vincenzo Vinci, 2016 .

F. Gassmann, 2021, Handbook on Social Protection Systems.