M. Dale


Jennifer L. Dungan, Michael S. Rosenberg, Marie-Josée Fortin, 2002 .

Michael S. Rosenberg, Marie-Josée Fortin, Philip M. Dixon, 2022 .

M. Fortin, M. Dale, 2005 .

M. Fortin, M. Dale, 2005 .

Marie-Josée Fortin, Martin R.T. Dale, M. Fortin, 2010 .

Marie-Josée Fortin, Mark R. T. Dale, M. Fortin, 2009 .

Jay M. Ver Hoef, Marie-Josée Fortin, Mark R. T. Dale, 2006 .

Jessica Gurevitch, Marie-Josée Fortin, Donald E. Myers, 2022 .

Marie-Josée Fortin, Pierre Legendre, Melanie Murphy, 2010, Molecular ecology.

M. Dale, P. Casals, F. Montané, 2009, Annals of Forest Science.

J. Hoddinott, M. Dale, J. Marowitch, 1988, Environmental pollution.

Marie-Josée Fortin, Mark R. T. Dale, M. Fortin, 2014 .

M. Fortin, M. Dale, C. Brimacombe, 2021, Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Mark R. T. Dale, M. Dale, M. Mah, 1998 .

Marie-Josée Fortin, Martin R.T. Dale, M. Fortin, 2014 .

C. Krebs, James N. M. Smith, A. Sinclair, 1992 .

Marie-Josée Fortin, Mark R. T. Dale, M. Fortin, 2005 .

C. Krebs, A. Sinclair, R. Boonstra, 1995, Science.

Jessica Gurevitch, Marie-Josée Fortin, Mark R. T. Dale, 2004 .

P. Legendre, M. Dale, P. Casgrain, 2004 .

Marie-Josée Fortin, Mark R. T. Dale, M. Fortin, 2005 .

Stefania Bertazzon, Marie-Josée Fortin, Mark R. T. Dale, 2010 .

J. Moon, M. Dale, J. W. Moon, 1993 .

M. Fortin, M. Dale, 2005 .

Marie-Josée Fortin, Mark R. T. Dale, M. Fortin, 2009 .

M. Dale, M.R.T. Dale, M. W. Zbigniewicz, 1995 .

D. Macisaac, M. Dale, M. R. T. Dale, 1989 .

Mark R. T. Dale, G. Henry, M. Dale, 1999 .

K. Stadt, M. Dale, G. Taylor, 1994, Oecologia.

D. Myers, P. Dixon, P. Legendre, 2022 .

Mark R. T. Dale, M. Dale, 1995, The Lichenologist.