G. Witman


Sara L. Zimmer, H. Fukuzawa, C. Dieckmann, 2007, Science.

G. Witman, J. A. Harris, J. C. Van De Weghe, 2018, bioRxiv.

W. Marshall, G. Witman, K. Lechtreck, 2013, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

J. McIntosh, R. Vallee, T. Schroer, 2005, The Journal of cell biology.

D. Nicastro, G. Witman, Zhiguo Shang, 2019, The Journal of cell biology.

G. Pazour, J. Leszyk, G. Witman, 2005, The Journal of cell biology.

G. Witman, N. Minervini, 1982, Progress in clinical and biological research.

G. Pazour, W. Sale, J. Rosenbaum, 2006, Journal of Cell Science.

G. Witman, T. Kubo, Yuqing Hou, 2018, Molecular biology of the cell.

G. Witman, 1993, Trends in cell biology.

M. Sanderson, G. Witman, K. Lechtreck, 2008, The Journal of cell biology.

G. Witman, C. McKenzie, B. Craige, 2015, Molecular biology of the cell.

J. Rosenbaum, G. Witman, 2002, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.

M. Sanderson, G. Witman, E. Kaneshiro, 2001 .

G. Pazour, C. Wilkerson, K. Inaba, 1997, The Journal of cell biology.

G. Pazour, J. Rosenbaum, G. Witman, 2007, The Journal of cell biology.

J. Rosenbaum, G. Witman, J. Olmsted, 1971, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Ian K. Blaby, Erik F. Y. Hom, J. Grimwood, 2014, Trends in plant science.

K., G. Witman, K. Pfister, 1984, The Journal of biological chemistry.

Jason M. Brown, A. Shevchenko, J. Sampaio, 2013, The Journal of cell biology.

G. Witman, F. Arisaka, S. King, 2014, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Jason M. Brown, G. Witman, B. Craige, 2013, Current protocols in cell biology.

H. Sakakibara, G. Witman, S. King, 1993, The Journal of cell biology.

G. Witman, N. Minervini, 1982, Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology.

J. Rosenbaum, G. Witman, S. Granett, 1974, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

C. Wilkerson, G. Witman, S. King, 1991, The Journal of biological chemistry.

J. Gatti, G. Witman, S. King, 1989, The Journal of biological chemistry.

G. Witman, 1992, Current Biology.

G. Witman, M. Hirono, T. Kubo, 2015, Molecular biology of the cell.

T. Otter, G. Witman, S. King, 1985, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

M. Kirschner, G. Witman, D. Cleveland, 1976, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

G. Witman, J. S. San Agustin, Jovenal T. San Agustin, 1994, Cell motility and the cytoskeleton.

George B. Witman, G. Witman, 1990 .

G. Witman, J. S. San Agustin, 1993, Cell motility and the cytoskeleton.

G. Pazour, O. Sineshchekov, G. Witman, 1995, The Journal of cell biology.

G. Pazour, C. Wilkerson, G. Witman, 1998, The Journal of cell biology.

G. Witman, J. S. San Agustin, 1995, Methods in cell biology.

P. Wilson, Jing Zhou, Ying Luo, 2004, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology : JASN.

J. Rosenbaum, G. Witman, K. Lechtreck, 2010, The Journal of cell biology.

G. Witman, 1975, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

C K Omoto, I R Gibbons, R Kamiya, 1999, Molecular biology of the cell.

J. Gatti, G. Witman, S. King, 1991, Methods in enzymology.

Deborah A. Cochran, W. Marshall, D. Parry, 2011, Molecular biology of the cell.

G. Pazour, G. Witman, B. L. Dickert, 1999, The Journal of cell biology.

H. Omran, E. Bruford, G. Pazour, 2022, The Journal of cell biology.

G. Pazour, G. Witman, 2003, Current opinion in cell biology.

G. Pazour, G. Witman, J. S. San Agustin, 2015, Molecular biology of the cell.

Jason M. Brown, George B. Witman, G. Witman, 2014, Bioscience.

G. Pazour, R. Patel-King, G. Witman, 2005, Molecular biology of the cell.

G. Kreimer, G. Witman, 1994, Cell motility and the cytoskeleton.

J. Gatti, G. Witman, S. King, 1990, Cell motility and the cytoskeleton.

G. Witman, S. King, Stephen M. King, 1988, The Journal of cell biology.

G. Pazour, G. Witman, D. Fishkind, 1999, Cell motility and the cytoskeleton.

G. Witman, Yuqing Hou, 2015, Experimental cell research.

G. Witman, Lei Zhao, Yuqing Hou, 2019, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B.

W. Marshall, B. Engel, G. Witman, 2009, Methods in cell biology.

G. Witman, Lei Zhao, Yuqing Hou, 2019, The Journal of cell biology.

G. Pazour, G. Witman, A. Moss, 1995, Methods in cell biology.

C. Wilkerson, G. Witman, S. King, 1994, Journal of cell science.

G. Witman, 2003, Current Biology.

S. Baker, G. Pazour, J. Besharse, 2004 .

Jason M. Brown, G. Witman, K. Fogarty, 2016, Journal of Cell Science.

Jason M. Brown, Deborah A. Cochran, G. Witman, 2015, Current Biology.

Erik F. Y. Hom, G. Pazour, W. Sale, 2011, Cytoskeleton.

G. Witman, S. King, Stephen M. King, 1990, The Journal of biological chemistry.

M. Sanderson, D. Nicastro, G. Witman, 2015, Molecular biology of the cell.

T. Gould, G. Witman, K. Lechtreck, 2013, Cilia.

G. Witman, B. Craige, 2014, Developmental cell.

W. Marshall, G. Pazour, B. Engel, 2012, The Journal of cell biology.

Tom R. Gaunt, Thomas M. Keane, Colin A. Johnson, 2015, Nature Communications.

G. Pazour, G. Witman, Yuqing Hou, 2004, Molecular biology of the cell.

P. Zamecnik, G. Witman, J. Aghajanian, 1994, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

M. Sanderson, D. Nicastro, G. Witman, 2015, Molecular Biology of the Cell.

J. Gatti, G. Witman, A. Moss, 1992, The Journal of cell biology.

Michael J Sanderson, M. Sanderson, G. Witman, 2009, Methods in cell biology.

W. Marshall, G. Witman, K. Lechtreck, 2013, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

G B Witman, C. Wilkerson, R. Patel-King, 1995, The Journal of cell biology.

J. Lippincott-Schwartz, W. Marshall, G. Witman, 2013, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

G. Pazour, C. Wilkerson, G. Witman, 1998, The Journal of cell biology.

M. Sanderson, G. Witman, E. Kaneshiro, 1995 .

Deborah A. Cochran, G. Witman, T. Kubo, 2018, Molecular biology of the cell.

G. Pazour, J. Rosenbaum, G. Witman, 2007, The Journal of cell biology.

G. Witman, Mikito Owa, Akane Furutaa, 2014, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

G. Witman, C. Horst, 1995, Methods in cell biology.