B. Marschner


Klaus Kaiser, Janet Rethemeyer, Bernd Marschner, 2008 .

B. Marschner, Yona Chen, J. Tarchitzky, 2008, Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research.

Bernd Marschner, Wulf Amelung, W. Amelung, 2004 .

A. Buerkert, B. Marschner, C. Steiner, 2019, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems.

A. Buerkert, P. Drechsel, V. Häring, 2018, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems.

A. Buerkert, P. Drechsel, B. Marschner, 2019, Journal of Plant Nutrition And Soil Science/Zeitschrift für Pflanzenernahrung und Bodenkunde.

A. Buerkert, B. Marschner, C. Steiner, 2018, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science.

A. Buerkert, V. Häring, B. Marschner, 2018, Agronomy for Sustainable Development.

B. Marschner, S. Heinze, M. Gharaibeh, 2015, Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

B. Marschner, A. Waldemar Wilczynski, Waldemar Wilczynski, 1991, Plant and Soil.

B. Marschner, Ľ. Lichner, Yona Chen, 2014, Irrigation Science.

Bernd Marschner, Klemens Ekschmitt, Georg Guggenberger, 2007 .

F. Lang, B. Marschner, G. Schaumann, 2014, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry.

H. Imhof, T. Rand, S. Trattnig, 1999, Topics in magnetic resonance imaging : TMRI.

B. Marschner, Ľ. Lichner, Yona Chen, 2014, Irrigation Science.

A. Buerkert, M. Wichern, B. Marschner, 2018, Environmental pollution.

A. Don, E. Kandeler, G. Guggenberger, 2021, Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science.

B. Marschner, S. Gorbov, O. Bezuglova, 2020, Land Degradation & Development.

Ingo Müller, Jurate Kumpiene, Wolfgang Friesl-Hanl, 2009, The Science of the total environment.

A. Buerkert, B. Marschner, C. Steiner, 2019, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems.

B. Marschner, R. Glaser, T. Chagomoka, 2016, Agriculture & Food Security.

A. Buerkert, V. Häring, B. Marschner, 2018, Agronomy for Sustainable Development.