R. Ferreira


Berthold Göttgens, Nicola K. Wilson, B. Göttgens, 2011, Stem Cell Research & Therapy.

Masayuki Yamamoto, S. Philipsen, Masayuki Yamamoto, 2005, Molecular and Cellular Biology.

R. Hannan, K. Hannan, R. Ferreira, 2020, Materials Horizons.

R. Ferreira, V. Borges, J. P. Gomes, 2012, Journal of bacteriology.

R. Hannan, K. Hannan, R. Ferreira, 2019, Experimental Hematology.

J. Mossong, S. Blomqvist, A. Pharris, 2021, Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin.

Cathryn M. Gould, U. Kutay, P. Madhamshettiwar, 2021, bioRxiv.

Frank Grosveld, F. Grosveld, S. Philipsen, 2005, Experimental hematology.

J. Strouboulis, F. Grosveld, S. Philipsen, 2005, Transgenic Research.

B. Göttgens, A. Green, G. Follows, 2010, Molecular and Cellular Biology.

Masayuki Yamamoto, Frank Grosveld, F. Grosveld, 2007 .

R. Ferreira, M. Sousa-Uva, V. Borges, 2013, Infection, genetics and evolution : journal of molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics in infectious diseases.

M. Sokolowski, S. Milton, M. Chakaborty-Chatterjee, 2010, Journal of Experimental Biology.

R. Ferreira, P. Nogueira, V. Borges, 2012, G3: Genes | Genomes | Genetics.