J. Saarela


Ludwig Kappos, Leena Peltonen, Pentti Tienari, 2010, American journal of human genetics.

Simon C. Potter, Joseph T. Glessner, M. Pirinen, 2011, Nature.

J. Kaprio, A. Palotie, J. Kaprio, 2011, BMJ Open.

Calliope A. Dendrou, P. Donnelly, C. Spencer, 2015, Nature Genetics.

Leena Peltonen, Kevin Gill, Janna Saarela, 2009, The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society.

Olli Saarela, Sangita Kulathinal, Juha Karvanen, 2008, PloS one.

E. Boerwinkle, S. Ripatti, Antti-Pekka Sarin, 2015, Journal of the American Heart Association: Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease.

H. Lähdesmäki, S. Mustjoki, P. Kovanen, 2019, Haematologica.

T. Pihlajaniemi, J. Saarela, J. Myers, 1995, The American journal of pathology.

E. Boerwinkle, S. Ripatti, Antti-Pekka Sarin, 2015, Journal of the American Heart Association.

K. Kristiansson, O. Pietiläinen, T. Paunio, 2014, Molecular Psychiatry.

A. Dejean, M. Clanet, H. Harbo, 2009, Science Translational Medicine.

J. Kere, P. Ellonen, J. Saarela, 2021, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV.

T. Paunio, T. Porkka-Heiskanen, J. Saharinen, 2010, The European journal of neuroscience.

A. Aro, G. Alfthan, J. Saarela, 2004, British Journal of Nutrition.

Markus Perola, Kaisa Silander, Michael Inouye, 2010, PLoS genetics.

V. Anttila, J. Casanova, Shen-Ying Zhang, 2020, Journal of Clinical Immunology.

A. Goris, C. Cotsapas, J. McCauley, 2022, The Lancet Neurology.

I. Kawachi, J. Saarela, M. Rostila, 2014, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.

E. Pitkänen, O. Kilpivaara, K. Porkka, 2018, Leukemia.

A. Schulz, S. Holland, A. Hsu, 2021, Journal of Clinical Immunology.

T. Pihlajaniemi, J. Saarela, M. Rehn, 1998, Matrix biology : journal of the International Society for Matrix Biology.

P. D. De Jager, N. Patsopoulos, V. Rimoldi, 2014, Human molecular genetics.

S. Mustjoki, A. Zavialov, T. Siitonen, 2018, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

J. Kere, S. Mustjoki, S. Katayama, 2017, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

V. Pietiäinen, Shen-Ying Zhang, T. Tapiainen, 2021, The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.

Toshiro K. Ohsumi, D. Goldstein, M. Knip, 2015, The New England journal of medicine.

A. Paetau, K. Aittomäki, P. Heikkilä, 2019, American journal of medical genetics. Part A.

L. Peltonen, E. Sobel, A. Palotie, 2005, Journal of Neuroimmunology.

L. Peltonen, E. Sobel, A. Palotie, 2002, Human molecular genetics.

M. Ban, B. Lie, H. Harbo, 2010, European Journal of Human Genetics.

L. Peltonen, T. Pirttilä, K. Koivisto, 2004, Genes and Immunity.

B. Lie, H. Harbo, E. Celius, 2008, Journal of Neuroimmunology.

L. Peltonen, A. Palotie, T. Pirttilä, 2009, Journal of Neuroimmunology.

L. Peltonen, T. Hudson, A. Montpetit, 2006, PLoS genetics.

M. Daly, L. Peltonen, S. Purcell, 2009, Human molecular genetics.

E. Eichler, Royden A. Clark, L. Peltonen, 2004, Genome research.

Heikki Joensuu, Anna-Maija Sulonen, Pekka Ellonen, 2011, Genome Biology.

S. Mustjoki, O. Kallioniemi, K. Wennerberg, 2012, The New England journal of medicine.

Petri Auvinen, Sampsa Hautaniemi, Henrik Edgren, 2004, Genomics.

C. Gieger, M. Daly, L. Peltonen, 2010, Genes and Immunity.

A. Hjern, L. Berg, J. Saarela, 2014, Pediatrics.

L. Peltonen, M. Taskinen, P. Pajukanta, 2005, Human molecular genetics.

Hanne F. Harbo, Margaret A. Pericak-Vance, Stephen L. Hauser, 2008, The Lancet Neurology.

J. Casanova, K. Jahnukainen, J. Saarela, 2022 .

J. Kere, S. Mustjoki, E. Morgunova, 2019, Front. Immunol..

C. Lindgren, H. Harbo, E. Celius, 2006, Journal of Neuroimmunology.

J. Casanova, K. Jahnukainen, J. Saarela, 2018, Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases.

J. Kere, A. Järvinen, M. Färkkilä, 2017, Front. Immunol..

A. Zavialov, J. Saarela, R. Abraham, 2015, JAMA dermatology.

L. Peltonen, V. Salomaa, M. Perola, 2005, Twin research and human genetics : the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies.

L. Peltonen, J. Kaprio, K. Tallroth, 2010, BMC Medical Genetics.

L. Ala‐Kokko, P. Leino-Arjas, S. Solovieva, 2004, Epidemiology.

Sandra D'Alfonso, Hanne F. Harbo, Bernhard Hemmer, 2013, American journal of human genetics.

M. Männikkö, J. Saarela, A. Näkki, 2018 .

C. Lindgren, J. Kere, A. Brookes, 2006, Human mutation.

L. Peltonen, A. Palotie, J. Saarela, 2003, The Journal of molecular diagnostics : JMD.

I. Vastrik, T. Aittokallio, S. Mustjoki, 2021, Cancer discovery.

O. Kallioniemi, M. Höglund, K. Wennerberg, 2017, Leukemia.

M. Männikkö, J. Saarela, A. Näkki, 2012 .

J. Kere, J. Saarela, K. Kettunen, 2019, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

Bjarni V. Halldórsson, A. Hofman, A. Uitterlinden, 2010, Annals of the rheumatic diseases.

J. Kaprio, K. Tallroth, J. Eriksson, 2016, Connective tissue research.

Margaret A. Pericak-Vance, Stephen L. Hauser, Jorge R. Oksenberg, 2009, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

J. Kere, S. Mustjoki, E. Morgunova, 2018, bioRxiv.

J. Saarela, M. Rostila, 2013, American journal of epidemiology.

M. Daly, L. Peltonen, A. Palotie, 2009, European Journal of Human Genetics.

M. Mäkelä, A. Remitz, E. Jakkula, 2023, JID innovations : skin science from molecules to population health.

C. Cotsapas, V. Scaria, J. Saarela, 2021, The Journal of clinical investigation.

X. Montalban, H. Thiesen, M. Comabella, 2008, PloS one.

I. Kawachi, J. Saarela, M. Rostila, 2014, American journal of epidemiology.

L. Peltonen, J. Haines, M. Pericak-Vance, 2010, Nature Genetics.

M. Varjosalo, S. Keskitalo, R. Kaarteenaho, 2020, Journal of clinical rheumatology : practical reports on rheumatic & musculoskeletal diseases.

J. Saarela, Camilla Härtull, 2021, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility.

M. Perola, E. Mignot, S. Himanen, 2017, bioRxiv.

Leena Peltonen, Janna Saarela, Aarno Palotie, 2007, Genome Biology.

J. Risteli, F. Stenbäck, J. Saarela, 1996, The American journal of pathology.

Till F. M. Andlauer, K. Stefánsson, M. Pericak-Vance, 2023, Nature.

Suleiman A. Khan, Michael A. Goren, Donna E. Dillenberger, 2016, Nature Communications.

J. Saarela, K. Reini, 2021, International journal of environmental research and public health.

J. Casanova, U. Huuskonen, Shen-Ying Zhang, 2020, Neurology: Genetics.

K. Kristiansson, T. Paunio, J. Tiihonen, 2014, Molecular Psychiatry.

H. Hakonarson, M. Pericak-Vance, M. Ban, 2013, American journal of human genetics.

A. Hjern, L. Berg, J. Saarela, 2014, Pediatrics.

M. Daly, L. Peltonen, S. Purcell, 2009, Human molecular genetics.