I. Katrabasas


Ioannis Ispirlidis, Athanasios Z Jamurtas, A. Jamurtas, 2008, Clinical journal of sport medicine : official journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine.

A. Jamurtas, I. Papassotiriou, I. Fatouros, 2011, European Journal of Applied Physiology.

V. Kalapotharakos, I. Fatouros, I. Katrabasas, 2002, International journal of sports medicine.

I. Fatouros, I. Douroudos, I. Katrabasas, 2011, The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness.

A. Jamurtas, I. Fatouros, M. Nikolaidis, 2010, Journal of strength and conditioning research.

A. Jamurtas, I. Fatouros, I. Douroudos, 2006, Journal of strength and conditioning research.